. Yoga for Everyone -
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Yoga for Everyone

We cannot open a magazine these days without reading about yoga; but why all the fuss and what’s it all about?

Yoga is an Indian philosophy that dates back thousands of years. The Sanskrit word yoga means unite and it was practised to create the union of the physical body, mind and spirit in order to reach enlightenment. Different paths of yoga were created in order to reach this state. One of these paths was called Hatha yoga and its purpose was to develop the body in preparation for further spiritual practice. These days, particularly in the west, we practice Hatha yoga. Classes largely focus on health and fitness but still with attention on how we feel in both our bodies and minds. This is achieved using physical exercises (asana), breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation and relaxation.

Yoga really is for everyone and teachers are taught to be inclusive and modify postures to suit the needs of individuals. However, classes are available for different abilities.

If you have mobility issues, you can try yoga in a chair or a gentle yoga class. Some classes specialise in teaching children and also senior citizens. At the other end of the scale, Ashtanga yoga is a more physically challenging, fast flowing yoga. Yoga is also not meant to be competitive and students are encouraged to listen to their bodies.

The benefits of yoga are immense. It helps us to relax, release tension from our bodies and to deal with stress. It gives us energy, makes us stronger and more supple. It can also complement other forms of exercise, by using the muscles in a different way. Yoga is often recom-mended to alleviate physical symptoms of certain health conditions. If you are looking for a class suitable for your needs, local publications and websites such as www.localyogaclasse.co.uk, list classes in your area. For further information contact Jackie Hart at jemyoga7@gmail Tel 0781 667 9919.

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