. Who Benefits From Pilates? -
Nottingham News

Who Benefits From Pilates?

The short answer is … everyone. It doesn’t matter if you are someone wiser in years (like me at almost 50 years wise), an athlete, or someone recovering from injury. Pilates is suitable for all ages and at Stretch Fit Pilates & Therapy Ltd we have clients of all ages who benefit from a regular, steady paced, Pilates class. In fact, the majority of our clients are middle-aged wise or more.

As our bodies progress in years, it is important to keep the body strong, supple and balanced. Pounding the ground and doing heavy weights with mass repetition builds bulky, short muscle that can put pressure on joints and make you more prone to injury as you age. Where as Pilates develops long, lean and functionally strong muscles and limbs. Pilates exercises are low-impact and partially weight-bearing, which is good for the prevention of osteoporosis and other joint problems. The creative routines of our classes build strength and improve posture, flexibility, agility and balance.

Our clients know from experience that our Pilate’s programme is one of the best ways to energise the body, alleviate aches and pains and put that spring back in your step. I am a testament to the benefits of Pilates as almost 12 years ago I was seriously injured and told I may not be walking unaided ever again. Pilates and a great teacher (my husband) had me walking, running, mountain climbing and tree climbing pain free again. At almost 50 I’m in the best shape of my life and it just gets better. This could be you too! We have classes in person and also zoom & pre recorded classes.

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