. Veterans and Reservists guaranteed a job interview at Rushcliffe Borough Council -
Nottingham News

Veterans and Reservists guaranteed a job interview at Rushcliffe Borough Council

Armed Forces Veterans and Reservists are now guaranteed an interview for job vacancies at Rushcliffe Borough Council if they meet the essential criteria for a role. The authority is continuing its commitment to signing the Armed Forces Covenant with extended opportunities for ex-service men and women to join the organisation.

If an individual applies for a vacancy and meets the essential criteria stated on the person specification, they will then be contacted to attend for interview to be considered for the post. If appointed to a role, the Council also now provide a buddy support system to help them to settle into their new work place. Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Deputy Leader and Armed Forces Community Covenant Champion Cllr Debbie Mason expressed her delight at further supporting those back in civilian life who have served their country and those that are in the reserve forces.

She said:
“This is another reason why we pledged our support to the covenant so we could extend support not just in the community to those returning from duty or reservists but also with employment opportunities. “We are very aware of the variety of transferable skills reservists, veterans and current personnel develop throughout their careers that they could bring to the civilian workplace.

“The aptitudes and values many learn in the military can make them perfect candidates for roles in any sector but given the public element of the services we provide they may be well placed to fill roles with us.
“We would be delighted to receive more applications from those who state an interest in the wide ranging opportunities our Council services provide.”
Vacancies at the Council at www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/jobs currently include roles in administration, as a driver/loader and as a caretaker and play attendant at Rushcliffe Country Park.

All vacancies are also advertised on the Career Transition Partnership website at www.ctp.org.uk/ a Ministry of Defence website aimed at alerting ex-service men and women to job opportunities nationally.

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