. Vandals Strike Again – Do You Know Who They Are? -
Lancashire News

Vandals Strike Again – Do You Know Who They Are?

Vandals have struck again damaging tennis courts and Bury’d Treasure signs in community parks and green spaces. Community tennis courts, recently refurbished across the borough, have had their fences damaged, locks broken and access gate electrical connections destroyed. Bury’d Treasure, a self-led orienteering activity aimed at families being more active together, has had its way markers targeted by regular theft or damage.

The council has repeatedly fixed or replaced damaged property to ensure that local people can continue to enjoy the facilities and activities as part of a healthy lifestyle. Councillor Alan Quinn, cabinet member for the environment, climate change and operations, said: “Thousands of people are enjoying outdoor sport and leisure with their families thanks to the investment the council has put in.

“Sadly, a minority of complete and utter morons seem determined to spoil it for them. We’ve put a lot of work in to get these facilities in our parks so why these morons destroy our public facilities is literally criminal. We’ve had new trees destroyed, public water fountains vandalised, and now this. “If anyone has any information about who carried this vandalism, please call the council on 0161 253 5353.”

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