. Thumbs up for Newark & Bassetlaw service -
Nottingham News, Notts Health & Care

Thumbs up for Newark & Bassetlaw service

A Newark & Bassetlaw service for people recovering from an illness, injury or operation has been rated as ‘good’ by the Care Quality Commission in a recent inspection. The County Council runs the ‘Short Term Assessment and Reablement Team (START)’ to help people regain the skills to live independently, often following a stay in hospital.

The free service, which is available for up to three weeks, supports people with daily living activities such as washing and dressing, food and drink preparation, medication and mobility. Staff help people to regain their independence by showing them new ways to do tasks, breaking down activities step by step and agreeing achievable goals. Equipment such as shower chairs, dressing aids and medication reminders can also be provided. Support is then gradually reduced as people are able to do more for themselves.

One lady who used the service regained her ability to care for herself, but she also wanted to be able to leave her house and visit her mule in the field next door. Staff showed her a safe technique for getting down her big kitchen step using her walking frame and she now enjoys seeing him every day without any further help.

Councillor Tony Harper, Chair of Adult Social Care and Health Committee, said: “It is heart-warming to hear the genuinely positive feedback from the people who use this service. I’d like to thank all the staff who work so hard to support people back to independent living.

“I’m particularly pleased to hear how much we are working with people to find out what it is they want to achieve and then doing everything we can to help them reach that goal.”

The START service, which also has teams in Mansfield & Ashfield and Broxtowe, Gedling & Rushcliffe, worked with 1780 people in 2018/19. 75% of these service users who completed reablement did not need ongoing home care as a result.

The Care Quality Commission report is available at https://www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-160392550/reports

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