. Successful grant application will fund action against rogue landlords -
Lancashire News

Successful grant application will fund action against rogue landlords

A successful bid by Burnley Council for extra Government funding will help pay for more action to tackle rogue landlords in the borough. The council will receive £62,294 which will be used to enable housing staff to carry out a programme of more targeted enforcement and other work. Councillor John Harbour, the council’s executive member for housing and environment, said: “We’re very pleased that we will receive the full amount of grant that we applied for. This money will help improve conditions for residents in our borough. “The majority of landlords provide good quality well managed properties and are willing to work with the council to provide good quality homes for their tenants.

“However, there are some rogue landlords that don’t follow the rules and undermine the reputation of the private rented sector by providing sub-standard accommodation. This affects the quality of life for their tenants and has an adverse impact on the wider neighbourhood. “This funding will allow the council to effectively target these rogue landlords and take tough action against them where necessary. We will work with other agencies such as the police, the utility companies and Trading Standards to carry out effective enforcement action against those landlords that simply don’t care about their properties or their tenants.” Clare Jackson, the council’s private sector housing manager, said: “Damp and cold conditions, together with electrical hazards including bypassed meters, are the most common problems associated with private rented properties in Burnley, all of which put the health, safety and welfare of the occupants at risk. “Where there is deprivation and vulnerability, evidence is starting to suggest that the criminal landlords use this to their advantage, and it can lead to illegal activities.

The funding will be used to carry out targeted action, to support the work already underway, such as extra property inspections and any intelligence gathered will be shared with other councils across East Lancashire.

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