. Students Enhance Community Garden -
Lancashire News

Students Enhance Community Garden

Several green fingered Accrington Academy students have been visiting Dyke Nook community garden each week, where they’ve been busy collecting litter, weeding, pruning the fruit trees and planting new flowers, as part of their Duke of Edinburgh Awards.

The Council supplied the group with litter pickers, gloves and bags and picked up the litter from a designated spot afterwards. Cllr Paul Cox, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Environmental Services, congratulated the students on their hard work saying; “Dyke Nook Gardens is a lovely spot close to the Academy and we really appreciate the student’s involvement in this local project. They are yet another wonderful example of the fantastic voluntary work that goes on in the Borough by community spirited groups and individuals who give their time and energy to make their neighbourhood better for everyone. Congratulations and thanks to them all.”

Bernadette Knight, Learning support at Accrington Academy said; “The students have really enjoyed looking after a part of their community and are looking forward to continuing in the next academic year.”

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