. Rushcliffe Borough Council earns accreditation for being dementia friendly -
Nottingham News, Notts Health & Care

Rushcliffe Borough Council earns accreditation for being dementia friendly

Rushcliffe Borough Council has been accredited as ‘working towards dementia friendly’ by the Alzheimer’s Society in recognition of the authority’s work to support residents, their carers and families to live well with dementia.

The accreditation acknowledges the range of events, activities and campaigns the authority has delivered over the last 12 months to help improve the lifestyles of those living with the condition across the Borough and ensure they are able to live life to the fullest.

Alongside key partners Rushcliffe Clinical Commissioning Group and leisure contractors Lex Leisure, this has included Dementia Friendly swimming sessions, Dementia Friends chat sessions and the delivery of the Rushcliffe Memory Walk, which raised over £3,000 for the charity.
Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Executive Manager for Communities Dave Mitchell is keen to emphasise the authority’s ongoing commitment to supporting residents to live well with dementia.

He said: “Dementia represents a significant health and social care challenge both nationally and locally here in Rushcliffe, with an estimated one per cent of our residents diagnosed with the condition, increasing to five per cent for those aged 65 and over. “As a council, we want to ensure our services are dementia friendly so that we can continue to support our invaluable volunteers and key partners who help residents, their carers and families to live well with dementia.

“This work continues with our next event later this month in aid of Dementia Action Week, in partnership with the Nottinghamshire Dementia Action Alliance.” The free event, ‘Taking Action on Dementia’ takes place on Friday May 24 between 10am and 2pm at Rushcliffe Arena in West Bridgford. To find out more about the event and reserve your place, visit the event’s page here: https://bit.ly/2Z1Ct5v
Attendees are encouraged to use public transport wherever possible.

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