. Preston council team strike gold again -
Lancashire News

Preston council team strike gold again

Our dog control team has been awarded Gold for their handling of stray dogs by the RSPCA for yet another year. PawPrints is run by the RSPCA to recognise organisations that go above and beyond basic requirements to ensure higher welfare standards for animals in the services they provide.
The main aim of the RSPCA Stray Dog Award is to set a level of good practice for their provision, and to acknowledge local authorities that have mechanisms and policies for stray dog welfare, provide staff training and promote responsible dog ownership.

The work is also in partnership with our kennelling contractor, Morningside Kennels, who deliver the service for the council and who put in all the work to find new homes for those stray dogs that are not claimed. Deputy Leader and Cabinet member for planning and regulation, Councillor Peter Moss, said:

“I am delighted that the team have once again been recognised for their continued commitment to the welfare of stray dogs across Preston.
“Congratulations to the team and to Morningside Kennels; it’s a great achievement to sustain such high standards in animal welfare.”

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