. Preston Celebrates As Parks And Green Spaces Once Again Win Green Flag Awards -
Lancashire News

Preston Celebrates As Parks And Green Spaces Once Again Win Green Flag Awards

In a record-breaking year for the Green Flag Award, as the scheme marks its Silver Jubilee, with six of Preston’s Parks included in the 2,127 celebrating success. Preston City Council is raising a Green Flag Award at six sites across the city. The award is the international quality mark for parks and green spaces.

After 18 months that have seen our parks and green spaces play a vital role for people through lockdowns as a place to relax, exercise and meet friends and family safely, the news that Preston’s parks has again achieved the Green Flag Award is testament to the hard work and dedication of the gardeners, friends groups and volunteers that make the green space a great space that everyone can enjoy.

The list of awards for Preston are:
• Ashton Park
• Avenham & Miller Parks
• Fishwick Bottoms
• Haslam Park
• Moor Park
• Winckley Square Gardens

The Friends of Haslam Park have again been awarded the Green Flag Community Award for their volunteer management of the sensory and rose gardens, and the Local Nature Reserve. Winckley Square Gardens has also achieved the much coveted Green Heritage Site Accreditation, supported by Historic England, for the management of its historic features.

Councillor Robert Boswell, Cabinet member for environment and community safety at Preston City Council, said:
“We are absolutely delighted to yet again receive awards as part of the Green Flag Awards Scheme here in Preston.
“We know how much quality green spaces matter to residents and visitors, especially during the pandemic when our parks offered a sanctuary to residents during lockdown, and these awards celebrate the dedication that goes into maintaining Preston’s parks and green spaces to such a high standard. “It’s great recognition for all the hard work by park rangers, gardeners, staff, volunteers and Friends Groups to keep all our parks and open spaces looking at their best all year round.”

Commenting on the news that Preston’s parks had once again achieved the Green Flag Award standard, Green Flag Award Scheme Manager Paul Todd said: “I would like to congratulate everyone involved in making the parks in Preston worthy of a Green Flag Award.” “To meet the requirements demanded by the scheme is testament to the hard work of the staff and volunteers who do so much to ensure that Preston’s parks high standards of horticulture, safety and environmental management and is a place that supports people to live healthy lives.”

The Green Flag Award scheme, managed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy under licence from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for their management across the United Kingdom and around the world.

Preston’s parks and open spaces are a few of the 2,127 sites across the country to collect the award for 2021.
A full list of Green Flag Award-winning parks and green spaces is available on the Green Flag Award website. https://www.greenflagaward.org

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