. Plan in place to transform Sutton Town Centre -
Nottingham News

Plan in place to transform Sutton Town Centre

Following a successful consultation period, Ashfield District Council’s cabinet has approved a new spatial masterplan for Sutton Town Centre.
The Spatial Masterplan will be a valuable document to underpin future investment into Sutton. This includes a multi-million pound bid to the Government’s Future High Street Fund to help make Sutton a 21st Century Town Centre. Town Centres up and down the country are undergoing fundamental change and it is important that the Council, together with its partners leads Sutton into a more prosperous future.

The public consultation, held over four weeks, received overwhelmingly positive feedback from residents and businesses. Representatives from Discover Ashfield, Idlewells Shopping Centre and Sutton Community Academy students all responded to the draft Masterplan that was published in January.

Councillor Jason Zadrozny, Leader of the Council, said: “The regeneration of Sutton Town Centre is a top priority for our Council. We are ambitious for Sutton’s future and need to build on the current success of the indoor market. Working with Discover Ashfield and other partners, we are determined to improve both the daytime and night time economy in the town centre.” Ashfield’s Cabinet agreed to adopt the Masterplan document as a basis for future action in Sutton, they were joined by students from Sutton Community Academy who illustrated their ambitions and aspirations for the future of the town centre.

One student said: “I would like to see improved leisure activities, we come out of school and there is nothing to do. I would like to see something like a cinema near Portland Square that we could go to, and activities that families from the local area will come into town to do.” At the meeting, Cabinet agreed to adopt the masterplan and approved recommendations to submit an Expression of Interest for the Government’s multi-million pound Future High Streets Fund. The Future High Streets Fund is a £675 million national fund which will support local area plans to make their high streets and town centres fit for the future and more resilient to change.

As well as this, the government have announced £1.6 billion for a Stronger Towns Fund to boost towns in England. This will be available to places that have not shared in the proceeds of growth in the same way as more prosperous parts of the country. Councillor Helen-Ann Smith, Councillor for Stanton Hill and Teversal said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for the Council to get support on its mission to regenerate Sutton.

We are extremely ambitious for our future and will do everything to deliver better funding for our Town Centres. It’s the very least our local residents deserve!” The Council is still looking for residents’ feedback and would love to hear from you. As part of the Council’s bid for funding, we want to hear your opinions on Sutton and how it can be improved. Please ‘back the bid’ by emailing place@ashfield.gov.uk.

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