. Nottinghamshire woman’s Resolution to Run for Stroke Association following a stroke after she gave birth -
Nottingham News, Notts Health & Care

Nottinghamshire woman’s Resolution to Run for Stroke Association following a stroke after she gave birth

Lexy Walton-Godfrey, 29, from Nottingham made a New Year’s resolution to take part in her first ever Resolution Run in aid of the Stroke Association on Sunday 5 May at Markeaton Park in Derby. She made the decision to sign up after having a stroke, just 17 days after giving birth to her new daughter. Lexy had her stroke in March this year and was left with Aphasia, problems with swallowing and short term memory loss among other cognitive problems.

Lexy said: “I am proud to be running in the Resolution Run as a stroke survivor. Having a stroke completely turned my life upside down. My husband and two daughters, one of who was only 17 days old at the time, had had a lovely day together when I had the most intense feeling ever. It felt like a huge magnet was pulling me down to the floor and I had an excruciating pain in the right hand side of my head.”
“My husband noticed me and I was trying to shout ‘help me’ but no words would come out. After being rushed to hospital, doctors could only point to my C-section as a risk factor. Following my stroke I became quiet and reluctant to speak to people. I was embarrassed because my speech was slurred and I couldn’t say certain words. Stroke fatigue has also been hard to deal with, especially with two young girls to care for too”. Lexy now feels lucky to be alive and wants to thank the Stroke Association for their support.

She continued: “Following my stroke, I don’t feel angry, I feel calm and extremely grateful for everything I have. I feel lucky to be here and able watch my daughters grow into beautiful strong women. I’m also lucky that I have a husband who has been my rock through all of this” “I wanted to raise money for the Stroke Association, who helped me through some dark times and to raise awareness among my peers and new mums. If I can help just one person, I will be happy. I will be running the 5K with my six year old daughter and my best friend and her child too”

Lucy Burnip, Community and Events Fundraiser at the Stroke Association said: “A Resolution Run is exactly that – a resolution for the New Year that counts. It’s the ideal event for people in the area who want to do something fun together, while getting more active in 2019. “In the UK there are around 100,000 strokes every year. Our latest research (i) shows that by training and taking part in a Resolution Run, you are helping to lower your stroke risk. The funds raised by each runner means we can reach out to more stroke survivors and their families to offer the support that they may need to rebuild their lives. On behalf of the thousands of stroke survivors and their loved ones that we support every year, I just want to say thank you.” “Research from the charity shows that many strokes could be prevented if people made some simple lifestyle changes.

Introducing physical activity into your routine is just one aspect of a healthier lifestyle required to reduce your risk of stroke. Monitoring (and managing) your blood pressure, eating a more balanced diet and stopping smoking can all significantly reduce your stroke risk.
The money raised through the Resolution Run in Derby will help the Stroke Association to fund vital research and support people affected by stroke in the region.”

Last year participants raised over £633,000 for the Stroke Association This year the charity hopes to raise over £850,000 to continue supporting stroke survivors and their families throughout the UK. Entry fee is just £16. All runners receive a technical running t-shirt and medal. For more information about entering or volunteering at the Resolution Run, visit www.resolutionrun.org.ukemail resolution@stroke.org.uk or call 0300 330 0740.

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