. New plans to improve traffic and boost business around Haslingden Road -
Lancashire News

New plans to improve traffic and boost business around Haslingden Road

Planning applications have been submitted for two major road improvements in Blackburn. The planned work will see Haslingden Road widened between the Beehive Roundabout and Royal Blackburn Hospital and the creation of a new entrance to Royal Blackburn Hospital at Old Bank Lane. There will also be a creation of a new Blackamoor Link Road and junction improvements.

These are much-needed improvements to the area and will improve the congestion on the Haslingden Road corridor to and from Royal Blackburn Hospital and Junction 5 of the M65.

The Blackamoor changes are also designed to improve air quality and pedestrian facilities, at a designated Air Quality Management Area.
Both works will also boost further development of business growth and job opportunities in the area, as well as supporting much needed housing, both for families and associated with Royal Blackburn Hospital.

The work is due to start in early 2020 with a programmed completion by the end of March 2021. This is the third and final package of the Council’s Growth Deal 3 project to bring road, housing and business boosts to the borough. The infrastructure package has been designed in a way that it can be delivered in phases.

There will be disruption while the works are being carried out, which may result in some temporary delays and diversions. However, the Council will work closely with residents, businesses and the emergency services to minimise this as much as possible and to co-ordinate construction works.
The Council has also taken on comments and suggestions from the public in a previous consultation.

These include:
• Keeping parking outside “Fancy Row” properties on Haslingden Road and not progressing with plans for new parking areas at the back of the row
• Extending solid islands for easier pedestrian crossing across Haslingden Road Creating additional parking at the front of Roman Road “cottage” properties south of Newfield Drive with a new lay-by area
• Making sure access to/from future Blackamoor development sites will be from the new Blackamoor Link Road only

Councillor Phil Riley, Executive Member for Regeneration, said:
We are very positive about this scheme that we believe will prepare the borough for future growth, investment and employment across the board.
Obviously, there is going to be disruption as this is a big scheme and there is a lot of work that goes into widening a road and creating a new junction. I understand that this will at times be frustrating for residents and visitors while the work is being carried out but it is impossible to make changes as big as this without causing some disturbances.

We can’t deny that changes have been needed for quite some time to the Haslingden Road and Blackamoor areas and they can’t be put off for much longer. This is a big chance for us to transform these routes for the better for the benefit of residents and road users and will make traffic flow much better in these areas.”

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