. Never leave items on view in your vehicle -
Nottingham News

Never leave items on view in your vehicle

Never leave items on view in your vehicle. That’s the message from Rushcliffe Borough Council and Nottinghamshire Police who are reiterating to motorists to always remove anything from sight that could attract a thief.
Whether an old coat, cardigan, scarf or even an empty carrier bag, never give a thief the reason to target forced entry into your vehicle. Always check too that all windows and doors are locked as you leave the vehicle, park in a well-lit or busy location wherever possible and leave the glovebox or other compartments open to show there is nothing of value in them.

At home, ensure keyless entry fobs are kept in a signal blocker pouch or metal box to ensure you are not victim to car thieves. Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis said: “Never give a thief an excuse to target your vehicle by removing anything that is on show. “You may be in a hurry on the way to a meeting, or a social occasion to see family or friends but taking a few extra seconds to ensure all items are removed can make all the difference to ensure it is not targeted.

“Always remember to lock the car and make sure windows are fully closed. Again, it’s vital to do this to not give opportunist thieves the chance to steal items or cause damage.”

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