. MP opposes plans to sell off nature reserve -
Nottingham News

MP opposes plans to sell off nature reserve

LOCAL MP Mark Spencer has raised his concerns over plans to sell off two nature reserves in the Sherwood constituency.

Reed Pond in Lambley, and Osmanthorpe Orchard in Edingley are two nature reserves owned by the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust (NWT). Recently, the Trust have announced their intention to sell the two nature reserves through an auction process.

The MP has stated he doesn’t want to see the reserves closed to the public, and is lobbying the Trust to keep them open. The MP has also contacted relevant local bodies, such as local residents and Parish Councils in both areas, and is now discussing possible avenues for how the reserves could stay open.

Although the MP doesn’t have any direct say over the Nature reserves themselves, as they are the responsibility of the Trust, Mr Spencer believes they should remain open and undeveloped both for the public good and the environmental benefits they bring to the local people and area.

Discussing the proposed sell off, Mr Spencer said:

“I have been contacted by many residents over the last couple of weeks regarding these two fabulous natures reserves which are currently owned by Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. It is regrettable that NWT are to have the two sites valued and then sold through an auction.”

“I am disappointed that NWT have chosen to sell these two sites and the feeling of dismay and concern amongst residents of Lambley and Edingley just shows that nature reserves are there for the people to use and enjoy and therefore it may be possible to think about getting ‘community bids’ together and of course all Parish Councils are on-board and aware of the situation.”

“I am reassured that Reed Pond in particular is not for development and that NWT are assuring me that they want the sites to stay in use for public enjoyment2

“I am liaising with NWT and local Parish Councils and will keep constituents up to date via press releases and social media.”

The MP advised local residents to get in touch with both him and the Wildlife Trust to let them know their feelings on the proposed sell off of the nature reserves.

Mark Spencer has urgently contacted the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust to try to keep the reserves open.

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