. Launch Of Increased Environmental Enforcement -
Nottingham News

Launch Of Increased Environmental Enforcement

Newark and Sherwood District Council’s partnership with Waste Investigations, Support and Enforcement (WISE) has launched this week with a total of 29 Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) already being handed out. As part of a new strategy to deter people who litter, graffiti, fly-tip or leave dog mess, offenders are being warned: “don’t do it and we won’t be after you”. In the first 24 hours, FPNs were issued for a series of illegal activity including littering after the areas of Averham, Balderton and Newark were patrolled.

The one-year pilot project with the private sector company involves its team of enforcement officers patrolling known problem areas throughout the district seven days a week, 12 hours a day. An additional 185 hours will be spent each week issuing FPNs to those who commit environmental offences, supporting the District Council’s already strong team of community and environmental protection officers. The significant increase in enforcement officers able to act on behalf of the District Council highlights the Council’s commitment to catching perpetrators who blight our communities with eyesores such as dropped cigarette butts and dog mess. Councillor Roger Jackson, Chairman of the Leisure and Environment Committee at Newark and Sherwood District Council, said: “The amount of people who think it is acceptable to drop litter, fly-tip, spray graffiti or fail to pick up after their dogs is staggering and completely unacceptable. “By partnering with WISE we are delivering on our commitment to keeping our communities cleaner for those who live, work and visit here.

In the last year we’ve increased the number of litter bins and dog bins so there is no excuse. Don’t do it and we won’t be after you.” Managing Director at Waste Investigations, Support and Enforcement, John Dunne, said: “We’re very much looking forward to working in partnership with Newark and Sherwood District Council. We will operate a robust but always proportionate methodology to tackle the issue of littering and dog fouling. Our officers have been instructed to communicate openly with the community with the overall aim of inclusivity for the Newark and Sherwood community to play their part in the task ahead.” Anyone can report environmental crimes such as fly-tips, littering, dog fouling or graffiti online using the Newark and Sherwood District Council website or by calling the District Council on 01636 650 000.

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