. Lancashire Encounter partners with Without Walls -
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Lancashire Encounter partners with Without Walls

Lancashire Encounter is delighted to have joined Without Walls as a part of the Touring Network Partnership. Lancashire Encounter to work with 35 other partners as part of an England-wide network of outdoor festivals, bringing more opportunities for people in Preston and across Lancashire to experience fantastic art performances.

Lancashire Encounter is now a partner of the Without Walls Touring Network Partnership, a project that tours high-quality outdoor shows – for free – to towns and cities across England without regular arts activity.

The next Lancashire Encounter arts festival will be in September 2020.
Without Walls is a network of festivals and arts organisations that brings fantastic outdoor arts to people in towns and cities across England for free. Established in 2007 as a partnership between five festivals, Without Walls has grown in size, ambition and reputation to become a network of thirty-six in 2019. This huge expansion has been made possible with National Portfolio investment from Arts Council England to Without Walls, recognising the value of outdoor arts which bring communities together and attract visitors to the area.

Lancashire Encounter will benefit from being part of the new Without Walls Touring Network Partnership which comprises of outdoor arts festivals, venues, local authorities and arts organisations partners across the country. With this, Preston will have more world-class free outdoor shows and arts activities on its doorstep and the region will become nationally recognised as part of the largest network of outdoor festivals in England.

Tim Joel, Deputy Head of Culture at Preston City Council, said,
“For Lancashire Encounter arts festival to be part of a national network of festivals is fantastic news. Without Walls has an international reputation for ambitious outdoor arts, and enables us to bring a free arts and performance offer to Preston.

“Past Encounter festivals have been a huge success for Preston and Lancashire, and now this partnership further enhances the high quality, outdoor performances we’ll be able to bring to the city.”
People from across Lancashire will also be able to see Without Walls street theatre shows in Preston city centre on Saturday 10th August as part of our Preston This Summer offer.

For further information about Without Walls, its network of touring festivals, performances and dates, visit www.withoutwalls.uk.com
For further information about Lancashire Encounter festival visit www.lancsencounter.co.uk

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