. Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy -
Nottingham News

Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy

The Council, in partnership with Mansfield District Council and Newark & Sherwood District Council commissioned Homeless Link to carry out a Homelessness Review and develop a new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy.

The Review and draft Strategy have been developed following extensive research, data analysis and stakeholder interviews. It is Ashfield District Council’s vision that the residents of Ashfield have affordable and warm housing in a safe community that promotes their health and well being. Preventing homelessness is key to achieving this vision and is identified as a priority in the Council’s Corporate Plan.

We are now consulting with stakeholders on the draft Strategy before it is finalised and put into action. A copy of the consultation document and online feedback form can be found on https://www2.ashfield.gov.uk/limesurvey/index.php/818864?lang=en. Consultation runs until the 10th May 2019.

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