. Have your say on street drinking and outdoor sleeping order renewal -
Nottingham News

Have your say on street drinking and outdoor sleeping order renewal

Rushcliffe Borough Council is seeking views on renewing its PSPO (Public Space Protection Order) which seeks to control street drinking and outdoor sleeping within West Bridgford. The authority introduced the order in 2017 to help combat the small number of incidents in public spaces in the town associated with the issues.

More information on the proposed PSPO is available at www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/pspo and all are invited to email their views to communitysafety@rushcliffe.gov.uk or in person at Rushcliffe Community Contact Centre on Rectory Road in West Bridgford.

Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis said: “The Public Space Protection Order has been effective in acting as a deterrent to those street drinking or outdoor sleeping in West Bridgford. “This behaviour can be associated with begging, littering and aggressive or intimidating actions.

“Whilst there has been no significant rise in incidents over the last three years, it continues to give our partners and us a valuable tool to give extra protection to the public should incidents occur.

“In the designated area, police, police community support officers and council officers will continue to have powers to help tackle these behaviours which will help to prevent some of the associated issues.
“We continue to signpost those in need to the support services on offer to help them back on their feet, and with partners, tackle the vast majority of anti-social incidents effectively.”

The views will feed into the Council’s Communities Scrutiny Group and if agreed, the new order will be reviewed at a Full Council meeting later this year with the target date for the order being effective from March 1, 2020.

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