. Free digital webinar to get St Helens Borough businesses online -
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Free digital webinar to get St Helens Borough businesses online

Businesses in St Helens Borough are invited to sign up to a free digital webinar next month to help get their business online. Run by Google’s not-for-profit online marketing training initiative, Google Garage, and supported by MP for St Helens North, Conor McGinn, as well as the St Helens Ambassador Network – established to attract growth to the borough – the programme will provide free digital skills training to individuals and businesses to help them adapt to the current coronavirus pandemic and grow their offer online.

Ronan Harris, Google’s UK & Ireland Managing Director, said: “Local businesses, like those in St Helens, are the lifeblood of our communities. Like millions up and down the country, we want to help small businesses both survive and thrive. Through this free Google Digital Garage training course, we hope to provide the tools and digital skills to help St Helens businesses adapt to operating in the current context. Despite the ongoing uncertainty, we want to show that having an online presence can have a transformative impact on all businesses.”

Conor McGinn, who instigated the event and will be among those in attendance on the day, said: “The importance of being confident and capable online in this digital age is integral to anyone wanting to develop their business, especially as we all learn to adapt to know ways of working due to Covid-19. I am pleased to have worked in partnership with Google Garage to create this opportunity for local businesses, community companies and individuals to attend this webinar.

“Digital skills are key to delivering the ambitious agenda for jobs and growth in St Helens North and across the borough and I encourage local firms to take up this training offer.” Commenting on the importance of having a strong online presence, local businessman, Chis O’Dea – managing director of award-winning retail empire, OD’s, and member of the St Helens Ambassadors scheme – said: “Having a website and social media has proved to be a huge lifeline for us this past six-months or so, allowing us to continue trading during national lockdown when some shops were forced to close to stop the spread the coronavirus.

“The way the world is going at the moment, we know that a high proportion of shoppers prefer to do their shopping online if it’s more convenient for them. Online trading has been a huge success for us and I hope it paves the way for more businesses to extend their offer to help their business grow.”
Showing her support to the programme, St Helens Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Education, Skills and Business, Councillor Kate Groucutt, said: “Given the challenges we currently face and the change in customer habits in certain sectors, particularly retail, it’s important more than ever that businesses have an online presence. “Businesses – no matter how big or small in size or turnover – are all of equal importance in our borough and we as a council want to see them flourish. That’s why I’d encourage any business that may benefit from this free webinar to sign up to pick up new skills and discover new ways of working.”

For businesses unable to attend, Google Digital Garage is also running a series of free live webinars, Monday to Friday, covering a selection of courses aimed at helping individuals and small businesses, including:
• Digital Marketing Strategy
• Build your Personal Brand Online
• Get Started with Digital Advertising
• Get your Business Visible on Google
• Writing for Social Media
• Safety First: Protect Yourself Online
Google Digital Garage will take place between 10:00am-11:30am on Friday 2 October.

To receive a registration link, email cathrynwhite@sthelens.gov.uk
For more Google Digital Garage webinars, visit https://events.withgoogle.com/digitalgaragewebinars/weekly-webinars/#content

For more information on the St Helens Ambassador Network visit www.investsthelens.co.uk or follow @investsthelens on Twitter.

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