. Final gang member locked up after violent cannabis grow raid -
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Final gang member locked up after violent cannabis grow raid

The final member of a crime gang which attacked a man with weapons during a violent raid on a cannabis grow has been jailed.

The ten-strong group of criminals travelled to Nottingham from London in a convoy of vehicles before kicking the door in at an address in Myrtle Avenue, Forest Fields, during the early hours of 20 May 2020.

A man was attacked with knives and garden shears as he escaped from the property.

After bursting in the gang stole cannabis plants from the address and loaded them into a vehicle. 

Some of the attackers abandoned their vehicles and tried to run off but they were quickly arrested, after police swiftly arrived on scene.

Others were stopped in their tracks and arrested as they fled down the M1 back towards London. 

All ten previously pleaded guilty to aggravated burglary at Nottingham Crown Court On Friday 4 June 2021. Nine of the gang were jailed for a combined total of over 62 years at Nottingham Crown Court in September last year.

The final member, 31-year-old Edmund Mackwar, of Court Wood Lane, Croydon, appeared at Nottingham Crown Court yesterday (Tuesday 4 January 2022) and was locked up for six years and seven months.

The others involved and the sentences they previously received were:

Toryon David, 24, of Kent – six years and ten months.

Josh Dawson, 19, of London – six years and ten months.

Temi Peters, 22, of London – six years and seven months.

Bilal Mohamed, 23, of London – seven years and five months.

Jedidia Kibambe, 25, of no fixed address – seven years and three months.

Gaele Meya, 25, of London- six years and ten months.

Rex Kibambe, 27, of no fixed address – eight years and five months.

Henock Eskinder, 28, of London – six years and seven months.

Earl Coelho De Carvalho, 23, of London – six years.

The man who was attacked as he fled the property needed stitches for head and shoulder injuries.

Detective Sergeant Simon Carter, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: “I am pleased to see these dangerous men being removed from the streets for a long time.

“I hope the sentences handed to the defendants, adding up to a combined total of over 68 years in prison, serve as a deterrent to other people and stops them from committing similar crimes.

“This raid would have been terrifying for neighbouring residents on this street who were disturbed by the commotion and saw this frightening incident unfold. 

“This group of men was prepared to use extreme violence to steal cannabis for their own selfish gain without any regard whatsoever for the rest of the community and how their violent actions would affect others.

“Following the report we responded quickly to secure arrests and undertook an extensive investigation involving numerous police teams all working closely together. 

“I would particularly like to praise DC Sarah Gregg, the overall officer in the case, for her meticulous investigation which ultimately led to their convictions after they put in early pleas.”

DS Carter added: “Nottinghamshire Police’s number one priority is to keep people as safe as possible. The force will continue to do everything in its power to prevent drugs getting onto the streets of our local communities, where they cause serious harm, as well as investigating and disrupting this type of illegal activity, identifying those involved and bringing them to justice.

“The money organised criminals make from illegal cannabis grows is often used to fund serious crime in neighbourhoods and they will often prey on vulnerable adults and children to help run their criminal operation, spreading fear and misery.

“The value of a large grow to a rival gang can be significant, which is where the risk of violence and danger to the wider public comes from. Criminals, often armed, come into residential streets where they believe grows may be based with the intent to steal from others while other operators may use violence to protect their operations.

“We remain committed to protecting the public and preventing crime and violence before it happens. If you think a cannabis grow may have been set up in your area then you can contact the police at any time, in confidence.

Signs which may point to a cannabis grow are:

  • A powerful distinctive sweet, sickly aroma
  • Frequent visitors throughout the day and night
  • Blacked out windows
  • Chinks of bright light throughout the night
  • Birds gathering on the roof, particularly in cold weather
  • In winter, snow melting unusually quickly on the roof
  • High levels of condensation on windows
  • Noise from fans
  • Large amounts of rubbish, including compost bags
  • Electricity meter being tampered with/altered and new cabling, sometimes leading to street lighting.

If you think a cannabis grow may have been set up in your area then call Nottinghamshire Police on 101 or alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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