. Expansion for Pendle jobs and businesses as Lomeshaye gets go ahead -
Lancashire News

Expansion for Pendle jobs and businesses as Lomeshaye gets go ahead

Pendle’s plans to expand Lomeshaye Industrial Estate have got the go ahead from the Government’s Planning Inspector. Pendle Council can now buy land adjoining the existing 40 hectare employment site through a Compulsory Purchase Order to create a new phase of development.
Lomeshaye Industrial estate alongside the M65 near junction 12 is one of East Lancashire’s largest employment sites and part of a new strategic corridor for economic growth.

There are around 100 businesses on the site employing approximately 4,000 people. Councillor Paul White, Leader of Pendle Council, said: “This is huge news for Pendle. “We shouldn’t underestimate how transformational this could be for our borough. “Lomeshaye has been operating at virtually full capacity and this land is key to bringing inward investment which will lead to more jobs in our area.

“We made a commitment to ensure that we open up additional employment land and this will do exactly that. “It could mean up to 500 more jobs in our local area”. “With this extension, we will be able to create the space to allow Pendle businesses to expand and to attract new businesses to our Borough, both of which will mean extra jobs for local people.”

Pendle Council has been working for a number of years to extend the successful business park and create jobs, support businesses and encourage growth. Jobs for around 500 people will be safeguarded or created thanks to the Phase 1 extension and work will start in summer 2019.

Dean Langton, Pendle Council’s Chief Executive said: “By working in partnership, we have secured £1.5 m of funding from Lancashire County Council to support the delivery of the proposed Phase 1 Extension to the existing Lomeshaye Industrial Estate. “And their funding will be matched with £1.5m of investment from Pendle Council.”

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