Nottinghamshire County Council has approved plans for the construction of two highway junctions to pave the way for a proposed major development at Top Wighay Farm.
Proposals include the expansion of a roundabout on the A611/Annesley Road and a new signal-controlled junction as well as a new, three-metre wide, shared use footway/cycle lane along the northern side of the A611 north of Hucknall and to the west of Linby.
The move comes just days after councillors approved a report at their Policy Committee to seek Outline Planning Permission to regenerate 42 acres of former farm land which belongs to Nottinghamshire County Council.
The Top Wighay development would create more than 1,000 full time jobs as part of a new flagship village on a 40-hectare site near Linby, which includes more than 800 homes, a new primary school, playing fields, potential for allotments and a village hall.
The creation of the new village could generate £873 million* economic output contribution over a ten-year period. Councillor Kay Cutts MBE, Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council, said: “I am absolutely delighted and excited that this decision now means the Top Wighay Farm development is moving closer to becoming a reality.
“This development is one of this Council’s flagship projects and it will create a real sense of community by integrating new homes, a new primary school, areas of communal open space and a neighbourhood centre with potential for facilities such as a medical centre. There will also be new offices for County Council staff that will act as a catalyst for local economic growth.
“The creation of more than 1,000 jobs will also be a tremendous boost to the economic prospects of the whole area over the next decade. “The investment in community facilities, infrastructure and education facilities means that the Top Wighay development will be positive for everyone as it will have the needs of the local community at its core.” The site will feature carefully thought-through cycling and pedestrian routes and conservation concerns will remain a key objective throughout the build phase, with trees and hedgerows being maintained.
The roads around the new school will be protected and traffic calming measures will be introduced with the residential area well served with footpaths and cycle routes within easy reach of the school. The site will build upon existing landscape character to create an extensive and diverse framework of green infrastructure which encourages biodiversity and quality landscaping. Attenuation ponds and innovative drainage systems to help the site to cope with surface water while supporting wildlife.
Councillor Cutts added: “The Top Wighay Farm development will improve the quality of life for people moving into the area with excellent education, medical facilities, and green open spaces. The traffic calming, and cycle and footways will make it is a safe area for parents to take their children to school by reducing the need for parents to drive their children right up to the school gates and encouraging students to walk to school.
This is the next significant step towards realising the overall vision for the site as Chairman of the Council’s Planning and Licensing Committee Councillor Chris Barnfather commented: “Top Wighay is a once in a lifetime development that I hope will become a strong and sustainable community. A well designed and effective road system is an essential element of the development. The cycle and footways will make the school run a pleasurable experience too for parents and children alike and I look forward to seeing the plans develop further.”
The proposed highways improvement have been funded by a £5.8 million grant from the Homes England Local Authority Accelerated Construction Fund and with additional funding from Nottinghamshire County Council.