. Eco-friendly travel scheme set to launch in Daybrook -
Nottingham News

Eco-friendly travel scheme set to launch in Daybrook

Residents in Daybrook and Redhill will soon have the chance to access free environmentally-friendly travel advice, information and incentives right on their doorstep as part of a Nottinghamshire County Council scheme. 

Known as Travel Choice the scheme comes on the back of funding from the Department for Transport which will see travel advisors visiting approximately 5,000 Daybrook households that have opted in to find out more about their travel options, between Friday 10 May and Saturday 1 June 2019.

It follows a successful scheme that launched in Mansfield, Newark and West Bridgford in 2018, which was well received with more than 3,000 residents taking part. 

Personalised travel planning advisor, Ross Paradise said:

“Talking to residents on their doorstep is a really great way to engage people who have opted in to find out more about their local travel options. We’re giving out information about greener travel as well as discussing the benefits to their general wellbeing.

“We’re finding that people are really engaging in these conversations as looking after the environment is a really key subject in the public eye at the moment, so discussing how residents can reduce their own carbon footprint is being really well received.”

The travel advisors are offering personalised travel plans based on conversations they have with each Daybrook resident, offering a travel pack full of tailored information including local bus and cycle maps, car sharing information, and other environmentally friendly travel tips which enable people to do their bit to improve the air quality in the Daybrook area.

Councillor John Cottee, committee chairman for Communities and Place said: “While many residents are already doing their bit for the environment, this free advice and information could help make a positive impact on residents’ health through active travel like walking and cycling. “

Ahead of the door-to-door visits by travel advisors, residents will have received a postcard with a brief overview of what to expect, with an option to opt-out or to request a specific piece of travel information.

The Travel Choice scheme will be rolled out in Mansfield and Newark again in Summer  2019

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