. Don’t give bike thieves an easy ride by always using a ‘D’ lock -
Nottingham News

Don’t give bike thieves an easy ride by always using a ‘D’ lock

Rushcliffe Borough Council is appealing to bicycle owners to not give thieves an easy ride and always correctly lock and secure their bikes with a stronger ‘D’ lock. Many bikes that are stolen each year are commonly not secured properly either with a flimsy weak lock that can be cut easily or tied incorrectly.

The authority’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis met Nottinghamshire Police PCSO Vee Mawer and the Council’s Community Safety Projects Officer Judith Brown to find out more about how to increase bike security.

He said: “Cyclists need to remember a few key measures that will deter thieves from targeting their bikes and investing a few pounds in a more robust ‘D’ lock is a must.

“Always tie the lock around the central triangle frame of the bike too and don’t attach it to below the seat or above a wheel where thieves could loosen these items to remove the lock. “The weaker, flimsy cable locks offer very little protection and in seconds a thief without drawing attention to themselves can cut through it, so always ensure it is a D lock and strong and secure.” It is also advised to where possible cyclists across Rushcliffe and Nottinghamshire should use secure facilities such as The Cycle Hub on Bridgford Road in West Bridgford. Residents can obtain a City Cycle Card to access similar hubs and more information can be found at http://www.citycardcycles.com/

In some locations in the Borough if the Council’s Community Safety team spot a bike secured with a weak lock, it is tagged to notify the owner it needs to be more secure. The tag offers the bike owner the opportunity to bring along the tag and the lock to one of the Council’s contact points to swap it for a ‘D’ lock. The Community Safety team and West Bridgford Police also hold bi-monthly bike security sessions, where your bike can also be security marked and a weak lock swapped for a ‘D’ lock free of charge to Rushcliffe residents whilst stocks last.

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