. Council appoints its first ever female Chief Executive -
Nottingham News

Council appoints its first ever female Chief Executive

At last months Chief Officers’ Employment Committee the committee passed the recommendation to appoint Carol Cooper-Smith as the interim Chief Executive of Ashfield District Council. Carol, who has previously been the Interim Service Director, Place and Communities at ADC, will be the first female Chief Executive for Ashfield District Council or the Urban Councils that proceeded it.

Carol said “I am delighted to be returning to Ashfield District Council as the first female CEO. The Council has a strong history of female senior leaders, with two of the Council’s five current senior leaders being female. This will rise to three on my return, and I will be proud to lead an organisation that values equality.” Cllr Jason Zadrozny, Leader of Ashfield District Council said “It is a conscious decision of this administration to recommend that a female is appointed to be the interim CEO. Carol has a wealth of experience, including four years at Ashfield District Council and I am pleased that she will be returning to the authority to take on this role. “Carol will be in position for up to ten months whilst we recruitment for a permanent Chief Executive.”

Carol Cooper-Smith will take over from Rob Mitchell the current CEO, when he leaves the authority in September.

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