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A Newark & Bassetlaw service for people recovering from an illness, injury or operation has been rated as ‘good’ by the Care Quality Commission in a recent inspection. The County Council runs the ‘Short Term Assessment and Reablement Team (START)’ to help people regain the skills to live independently, often following a stay in hospital.

The free service, which is available for up to three weeks, supports people with daily living activities such as washing and dressing, food and drink preparation, medication and mobility. Staff help people to regain their independence by showing them new ways to do tasks, breaking down activities step by step and agreeing achievable goals. Equipment such as shower chairs, dressing aids and medication reminders can also be provided. Support is then gradually reduced as people are able to do more for themselves.

One lady who used the service regained her ability to care for herself, but she also wanted to be able to leave her house and visit her mule in the field next door. Staff showed her a safe technique for getting down her big kitchen step using her walking frame and she now enjoys seeing him every day without any further help.

Councillor Tony Harper, Chair of Adult Social Care and Health Committee, said: “It is heart-warming to hear the genuinely positive feedback from the people who use this service. I’d like to thank all the staff who work so hard to support people back to independent living.

“I’m particularly pleased to hear how much we are working with people to find out what it is they want to achieve and then doing everything we can to help them reach that goal.”

The START service, which also has teams in Mansfield & Ashfield and Broxtowe, Gedling & Rushcliffe, worked with 1780 people in 2018/19. 75% of these service users who completed reablement did not need ongoing home care as a result.

The Care Quality Commission report is available at https://www.cqc.org.uk/location/1-160392550/reports

Rushcliffe Borough Council is appealing to bicycle owners to not give thieves an easy ride and always correctly lock and secure their bikes with a stronger ‘D’ lock. Many bikes that are stolen each year are commonly not secured properly either with a flimsy weak lock that can be cut easily or tied incorrectly.

The authority’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis met Nottinghamshire Police PCSO Vee Mawer and the Council’s Community Safety Projects Officer Judith Brown to find out more about how to increase bike security.

He said: “Cyclists need to remember a few key measures that will deter thieves from targeting their bikes and investing a few pounds in a more robust ‘D’ lock is a must.

“Always tie the lock around the central triangle frame of the bike too and don’t attach it to below the seat or above a wheel where thieves could loosen these items to remove the lock. “The weaker, flimsy cable locks offer very little protection and in seconds a thief without drawing attention to themselves can cut through it, so always ensure it is a D lock and strong and secure.” It is also advised to where possible cyclists across Rushcliffe and Nottinghamshire should use secure facilities such as The Cycle Hub on Bridgford Road in West Bridgford. Residents can obtain a City Cycle Card to access similar hubs and more information can be found at http://www.citycardcycles.com/

In some locations in the Borough if the Council’s Community Safety team spot a bike secured with a weak lock, it is tagged to notify the owner it needs to be more secure. The tag offers the bike owner the opportunity to bring along the tag and the lock to one of the Council’s contact points to swap it for a ‘D’ lock. The Community Safety team and West Bridgford Police also hold bi-monthly bike security sessions, where your bike can also be security marked and a weak lock swapped for a ‘D’ lock free of charge to Rushcliffe residents whilst stocks last.

Ashfield District Council have submitted a bid to Historic England for High Street Heritage Action Zone Funding for the area around Albert Square and the lower part of the Old Market Place in Sutton. If successful the funding would transform Albert Square, focusing on the restoration of the historic shopfronts and creating a small plaza space for outdoor dining, events and cultural activities and creating a key gateway into the town.

The bid covers sections of three key streets within Sutton Conservation area: Low Street, Market Street and Brook Street. The funding would deliver a programme of activities and cultural engagement alongside the physical works which would provide grant funding for property owners to restore historic buildings and bring them back into use.

Cllr Helen-Ann Smith, Cabinet Member for Streets, Parks and Town Centres said “We are committed to improvements within our town centres and if this bid is successful it will allow us to transform this area within Sutton Conservation area.

“The recent investments from Wetherspoon’s and Angling Direct show that retailers see the potential in Sutton and this funding would allow us to enhance the town centre experience for residents even further.”

No one knows exactly how many carved mice are hidden in the pulpit and pews at All Saints Church, Babworth. Or at least, if they do, they are not telling! What is known, is that the carved oak mice are the trademark of Yorkshireman, Robert Thompson, born in 1876, who dedicated his life to the craft of carving and joinery in English Oak. It was he who carved the oak fittings in beautiful Babworth Church.

The famous mouse symbol, found on every item crafted by Robert Thompson’s has an uncertain history. The story told by Robert Thompson himself was that one of his craftsmen remarked that they; “were all as poor as church mice”, whereupon Robert carved a mouse on the church screen he was working on. That particular mouse has never been found but it has continued as a trade mark of quality and dedication to craftsman ever since. Babworth Church is known as the spiritual home of the Mayflower Pilgrims as it was here that William Bradford of Austerfield and William Brewster of Scrooby came to hear Reverend Richard Clifton preach.

When he lost his livelihood at Babworth, Clifton held secret meetings at Scrooby Manor, and the beginnings of the Separatist movement were born.
To commemorate the forthcoming 400th anniversary of the Mayflower journey in 2020, Bassetlaw District Council and Sally Outram, Director of Mayflower Pilgrims jointly commissioned a bespoke collection plate from Robert Thompson’s company, complete with mouse, to present to Reverend Cora Yarrien, of the Benefice of Idle and Sand, which includes Babworth Church. Cllr Jo White, Deputy Leader of Bassetlaw District Council said; “We wanted to present this plate to Babworth as a symbol of our thanks to the Reverend and church wardens at All Saints Church who have gone out of their way to make visitors welcome.

“We have seen a marked increase in Mayflower descendants, tour operators and journalists coming to this area as interest in the 2020 anniversary builds, and we appreciate that Babworth is first and foremost a much loved place of worship with a very loyal congregation. This gift is as much to Babworth’s parishioners as it is to Reverend Yarrien.”

The church at Babworth is one of eight sites where new Pilgrims Trail interpretation boards are to be installed as part of the £750,000 Heritage Lottery supported Pilgrim Roots project led by Bassetlaw District Council. The trail complements a new Pilgrims Gallery at Bassetlaw Museum, scheduled to open in August 2019.

Last year more than 4,500 residents in Hawtonville, Newark, had the chance to receive free travel advice on their doorstep through the County Council’s Travel Choice scheme to encourage walking, cycling, public transport use and car sharing around the town.

This two-year scheme is funded by £845,000 from the Department for Transport, with local contributions from Nottinghamshire County Council. The project aims to help residents, businesses, jobseekers and school leavers to explore different ways to travel around Nottinghamshire and help to improve local air quality, improve access to employment, tackle congestion and promote a healthier lifestyle.

Of the 950 households in Newark that accepted the offer of personalised travel information last year, 65% of those surveyed stated the information they received was useful in helping them to consider their travel options and 32% changed the way they travelled as a result of the scheme, with more residents walking, cycling and driving less. Next month the Travel Choice team will be returning to Newark to support a further 4,500 households in New Balderton, Balderton and the Lincoln Road Estates to explore their travel options.

Postcards are being delivered to households in late June to let residents know that a travel advisor will be visiting in early July over a period of three to four weeks. Households will be given the chance to ‘opt-out’ so a travel adviser doesn’t call. Similarly, households can choose not to take part when a travel advisor calls. Following conversations with the residents, the Travel Choice team will send a free, personalised ‘travel pack’ full of local transport information and maps showing local walks, cycle routes and public transport offers. Councillor John Cottee, Communities and Place Committee Chairman said:

“We know that many residents are already making sustainable transport choices and are also improving their fitness by walking or cycling. I hope this free travel advice will motivate even more people to explore their travel options and make some small changes like leaving their car at home for short journeys, car sharing or giving public transport a go. “The County Council has a long-term plan to help promote sustainable transport and improve air quality. Encouraging more people to consider walking, cycling and catching the bus is a key part of this plan. “

The Travel Choice team is also working with students and jobseekers to support them into employment, apprenticeships or further education by informing them of various travel options. Local businesses are also getting involved with the chance for their employees to get advice, cycle training, wellbeing checks, cycle maintenance and other support to encourage them to choose healthy and sustainable ways to commute to work.

A similar scheme is being rolled out in Mansfield next month.
For more information on the project or for help planning a journey
visit http://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/travelchoice or contact one of the Travel Choice team travelchoice@nottscc.gov.uk

Selston Country Park has been recognised by the Green Flag Award Scheme as one of the very best parks in the world it joins five other green spaces awarded recognition in Ashfield. The Green Flag was raised by the Leader of Ashfield District Council, Cllr Jason Zadrozny, Cllr Arnie Hankin, Cllr Andy Gascoyne, Cllr David Martin and the Chairman of ADC Cllr Anthony Brewer along with members of ADC’s Environment team who maintain the park. This is the 8th year of retaining the Green Flag Award, having first received the award in 2012.

The park is among a record-breaking 1,970 UK parks and green spaces and 131 in thirteen other countries around the world that will today receive a prestigious Green Flag Award– the mark of a quality park or green space. This international award, now into its third decade, is a sign to the public that the space boasts the highest possible environmental standards, is beautifully maintained and has excellent visitor facilities.

Cllr Helen-Ann Smith, portfolio holder for Streets, Parks and Green Spaces said: “We are absolutely thrilled to receive a Green Flag Award for the 8th year. We are working hard to deliver improvements to our parks and green spaces throughout the district because we know how much quality green spaces matter to residents and visitors. The Green Flag Award recognises the hard work and dedication of the Environment team who work all year round maintaining our parks and green spaces to such a high standard.”

Streetwise’s vibrant flower displays are currently lighting up Central Avenue in West Bridgford to welcome residents and visitors alike to a great summer of colour in the Borough. The dozens of sweet-smelling and brightly coloured flowers have been giving the busy thoroughfare a vibrant boost in recent months thanks to the team’s creations in large flowerbeds and decorative lamppost planters. Managing Director Nigel Carter said positive feedback has flooded in on this year’s displays.

He said: “We asked residents again last year for their opinions on how we could improve our floral creations and comments suggested that we could incorporate even more colourful flowers.

“We have therefore included a range of geraniums, surfinias, verbena, begonia and sanvitalia and we’ve been really pleased with the positive comments we have received.

“Displays in places such as this make the Borough such a pleasant place to live and work and we’re delighted we can work with Rushcliffe Borough Council to make summer sparkle here on the street.” Streetwise offers a range of services to keep your garden in great shape all year round.

Call 0115 914 8408, email streetwise@streetwiseenvironmental.co.uk or visit www.streetwiseenvironmental.co.uk

A new mural in Beeston Town Centre is well underway as part of the Beeston Street Art project. The design brings a touch of mother nature right into the heart of the town centre and has already been catching the eye of local residents and shoppers.

Renowned artist, Mural Life has spray painted the new design about the origins of the word Beeston (derived from the Saxon Beos meaning long grass and Tun meaning settlement) on Station Road, next to another piece of street art which was completed in October depicting three Beeston icons – the late actor Richard Beckinsale, the late singer/songwriter Edwin Starr and fashion designer Sir Paul Smith by Zabou. The street art was commissioned by Broxtowe Borough Council using an art fund inherited from Henry Boot Plc and is expected to be completed later this week.
Deputy Leader of the Council, Councillor Steve Carr said: “It’s great to have another piece of street art completed in Beeston to brighten up the area and showcase the town as the creative place it is. A massive thank you to Mural Life for creating such a beautiful piece of work that the town can be proud of.”

Jeanie Barton, Organiser of Beeston Street Art added “This beautiful landscape helps make our project more cohesive – there are now many different artists, styles and subjects to explore in Beeston; we are well on our way to becoming a top destination in the UK for Street Art, which can only help our high street.”

Mural Life, also known as Russ Meehan, said, “My idea was to try and encompass meanings of the name Beeston so I’ve combined the reeds, rushes and long grasses with the bees which represent Beeston for a lot of people. My design has just tried to put them both together with lots of flowers into a great piece for Beeston town.”

The redevelopment of Beeston Square began in 2013 and work on Phase 2, which includes 120 new homes, a cinema and a number of new food and drink outlets, is set to begin very soon.

A wonderful range of creative entries were received at the Materials Recovery Facility in Mansfield for the new Welcome Sign competition design. Veolia (Nottinghamshire County Council’s waste contractors) are delighted to announce that the Harry Lobley from Mansfield has been named as the winning designer.

Thousands of guests are welcomed every year to the Materials Recovery Facility in Mansfield. Schools, community groups, and local residents visit to find out more about recycling in Nottinghamshire and learn what can and cannot go into the recycling bin. The 110 entries from children across Nottinghamshire were considered by a panel of judges from Veolia and Nottinghamshire County Council who were all in awe of the fantastic array of imaginative entries.

The winning entry has been designed by local student Harry Lobley aged 10 from High Oakham Primary School in Mansfield. Harry was delighted to see his design and said ‘I’m thrilled to have won this competition. I thoroughly enjoyed designing the welcome sign and it is great to see it on display. The fact that Veolia make pencils out of newspaper means that this quote will be a pencil next week.’

Mr James Sas, Harry’s year 5 teacher said: ‘We are very proud of Harry’s achievement. He worked diligently to create a wonderfully artistic yet educational new welcome sign for the Materials Recovery Facility. During our school visit to the site, we learnt about their recycling process, which Harry reflected clearly in his brilliant design. Congratulations from staff and pupils at High Oakham Primary School.’

Wayne Draycott, Treatment Manager for Veolia said: ‘It was wonderful to see all the creative designs, there was a very high standard to choose from and a tough job for all the Judges to decide upon a winner. Congratulations to Harry for winning the competition, and for his design including recycling for the world and the journey recyclables take in Nottinghamshire.
Harry was presented with his prize on Friday 19th July by the Chairman of Nottinghamshire County Council Councillor Kevin Rostance and Wayne Draycott from Veolia.

Chairman of Nottinghamshire County Council Councillor Kevin Rostance said: “I am thrilled that so many pupils took part in this creative competition, it’s fantastic that Harry’s work will be seen by all of the visitors to the Materials Recycling Facility. I am also really encouraged by the number of local residents who visit this important Nottinghamshire facility, and that the recycling message is being spread far and wide.”

If you would like to become a champion of recycling at home, download the recycling information leaflet from https://www.veolia.co.uk/nottinghamshire/RecycleForNottinghamshire

An award-winning British jewellery designer is expanding its business with a second outlet now open in Belvoir Castle’s beautifully restored Victorian Engine Yard retail village, opposite the main entrance to Belvoir Castle.
B Jewellery is a luxury retailer specialising in bespoke jewellery designs. Fronted by designer Belynda Faulkner, her second shop offers unique creations, workshops and a number of her jewellery collections at a larger scale.

Belynda says: “This is an exciting time for the business as we continue to grow. We create the ultimate romance for our customers with bespoke items, and where better to establish ourselves than in the shadow of beautiful Belvoir Castle? With great support from the Duchess of Rutland, we are delighted to set up shop and make the Engine Yard our second home.”

Emma, Duchess of Rutland, added: “We’re very excited to have B Jewellery join us at the Engine Yard, it’s a great addition. Belvoir Castle is a magical location for many who wish to enjoy a fairytale wedding and B Jewellery compliments this perfectly. Belynda’s jewellery is truly stunning and we know that visitors to the Engine Yard are going to fall in love with her bespoke designs.”

Located at the Engine Yard on the Leicestershire country estate, B Jewellery is now welcoming visitors and bookings for workshops and services. The shop offers a range of stunning jewellery collections, custom designs and beautiful personalisations, all crafted by hand on-site. A click and collect service is also available.

B Jewellery also offers couples the special opportunity to make their own wedding bands, or for groups to celebrate by creating silver bangles or rings.

Belynda has been in the jewellery business for more than 15 years with a BA in Silversmith, Jewellery and Allied Crafts. She has worked behind the bench, as well as in other aspects of the jewellery trade, including as a designer, product manager, diamond buyer, plus running very well-known high street jewellers for several years.

Opening hours for B Jewellery at the Engine Yard are Tuesday to Saturday, 10am – 4pm. Appointments are available upon request. Contact the shop on b.jewellery@aol.co.uk.

For more information, visit www.b-jewellery.co.uk.
Facebook: B-Jewellery
Twitter: belyndafaulkner
Instagram: b.jewellery
B Jewellery is the latest addition to Belvoir Castle’s multi-million-pound artisan shopping village. The Engine Yard champions local businesses and great British brands, including a host of artisan retailers, food and drink, all within the grounds of the ancestral home of the Duke and Duchess of Rutland. Visit: www.engineyardbelvoir.com.