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Cllr Dale Grounds, also known as That Spidey-Tastic Superhero, has been nominated for the Unsung Hero of the Year Award at the Nottingham University Hospitals annual Team NUH Awards 2019. Cllr Grounds has been shortlisted for the award thanks to his tireless work entertaining ill children and young people. He has been visiting Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham, every week for over three years, dressed as Spiderman. He first suited up in 2016 in an effort to soothe his son Reece who is autistic.
The Unsung Hero of the Year Award recognises the contribution of staff who provide essential work yet do not provide direct clinical care to patients.

There were over 1,100 nominations received for all of the categories this year. Cllr Grounds nomination was handpicked as one of the three finalists from the 156 nominees that were received for the category. Cllr Grounds has also been fundraising, as Spiderman, for the Ducklings, the charity of the Nottingham Children’s Hospital School.

Cllr Grounds said “Being nominated for this award is such a huge honour. I started doing this as a way to soothe my son and then eventually to bring joy to children in hospital. I never thought that I would end up being nominated for an award alongside some incredible people. I become Spiderman because I love it, nothing beats bringing a smile to the children’s faces.

The children that I visit are so strong and brave; they are the real heroes.”
All of the shortlisted nominees will attend the award ceremony on the 5th December where the judging panel will choose the winners of each category.

Kirkby residents have had their say on the new leisure destination coming to the town. Throughout September, Ashfield District Council consulted with residents to see what they want from Kirkby’s new facility. Over 300 people responded to the survey, which was made available online and in person at several events across Kirkby.

The Council also spoke to young people at the Acre Centre for Young People to ensure that young people were listened to and catered for.
Here are ten clear messages we heard from the consultation and how plans are already being put in place to respond to the wishes of residents.
• 75% of respondents said they were looking forward to a swimming pool coming to Kirkby, seeing it as an important activity in the plans. The latest plans for the destination incorporate water space for fun, fitness and swimming.
• Health and Wellbeing came out as an essential aspect of a new facility with 93% of people saying it is important to them.
The Council’s recently published Corporate Plan outlines an increase in physical activity participation levels and a reduction in both child and adult obesity as key outcomes it wants to achieve for Ashfield.
• 63% of those who responded were people who currently never or hardly ever use the existing Festival Hall site.
• Councillor Tom Hollis, Deputy Leader of the Council, said: “We are certain that the new leisure centre will increase participation in sporting activities and also provide a hub for the Kirkby community. When Lammas Leisure Centre first opened we saw participation increase by over 50% so it’s fantastic to see potential new service users having their say on the new facility.”
• 44% of people who took part in the survey said that the cost of activities is a barrier to their participation.
Ashfield District Council is working with partners to develop the business model for the new leisure destination and is also looking at options to remodel concession rates to increase participation.
• 72% said that a gym and fitness suite was an important part of the new leisure destination. As a result of this, the latest plans will see an increased gym space for the expected increase in members as well as an area for free weights.
• 69% also said that activities for all abilities was an important part of the new facility. Ashfield District Council are developing plans for a facility mix that will be accessible to all, including increased availability of activities, state-of-the-art changing facilities and a health and wellbeing suite.
• 46% of respondents said that they also see arts and culture as an important aspect in the project.
With this in mind, the latest plans will incorporate an events space with a large cinema screen and bleacher seating for over 200 people, the perfect environment for film screenings.
• 90% of people said that easy parking is a must for the new leisure destination. The Council is planning to increase the number of spaces available on the site as well as ensuring parking is free for service users.
• Throughout the consultation, the Council has been working with current service users to ensure the new destination works for them. A key group is the 50 Plus Club who are keen to see bowls provision maintained for their group.
• Barry Brown from 50 Plus Club’s Bowls section said: “We are pleased we have been able to make our voice heard and that the Council is listening to us.
Participation in activities for people of all ages is important so I believe the officers appreciate our expertise when it comes to the facilities we need.”
• Numerous respondents said they wanted to see a less programmed access to swimming facilities, with more availability to drop-in than other leisure centres. The Council is committed to ensuring the offer is different to the other sites across Ashfield, including adventure play, a climbing wall and more opportunities for residents to access the pool.

Leader of the Council, Councillor Jason Zadrozny, said: “I’m overwhelmed with the number of residents who have taken the time to help shape the new leisure centre. “Having spoken to residents, it is clear that there is passion for having high quality and accessible facilities for all. I’m proud that we are already acting on the feedback we’ve had from the consultation and shaping our plans accordingly.”

As Councils across the Country prepare to set their budgets for the year ahead, Broxtowe Borough Council is asking local residents to have their say on how they want their money to be spent. The consultation asks residents to rate services they receive from the Council and what services money should be spent on and where it should be saved.

Chair of the Finance and Resources Committee, Councillor Greg Marshall said: “Broxtowe, along with other local authorities across the country no longer gets any funding from the Government to help deliver its services and we don’t like being in that position. Rest assured that we will do all we can to protect our services, care for the vulnerable and prevent cuts. It’s important for us that residents help us decide where to spend the income we receive and how we deliver for our communities.

Please have your say.” The Council has seen a £2.1 million reduction in the funding it receives from Government and no longer receives any grants from Government. There is an anticipated £1.1 million funding gap for 2020/21.

To complete the consultation, visit www.broxtowe.gov.uk/budgetconsultation by Friday 29th November.
You can also send your comments to finance@broxtowe.gov.uk and include “BUDGET COMMENTS” in the subject line or write to: Deputy Chief Executive, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1AB

A rapid response service is helping over 160 older people return home from hospital when they are medically fit or support them at home during a temporary crisis every month. The Home First Response Service is just one of the ways the County Council is supporting people to be independent, according to a report about ‘ageing well’, which was presented to Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee yesterday.

The ‘ageing well’ report details a range of other short-term services that can be offered to people to help them return to independence after a period of ill health which may include a stay in hospital: Short Term Assessment and Reablement Service (START): a service that helps people achieve their goals and regain the ability to do daily tasks. Support may last for a few days or a few weeks depending on the person’s needs.

Connect: a short-term service that helps people affected by loneliness or bereavement to find information about local services, activities and opportunities.

Staff can work with people around money issues, housing problems, health management and other things depending on their needs. Assistive technology: monitors and sensors in the home can alert to risks such as changes in temperature or a fall.

They can also remind people to take their medication or raise an alert if someone is wandering around at night. Meals at home: everyone who has a hot meal delivery receives a safe and well check. The service has a range of nutritious hot or frozen meals that are provided to over 300 customers a day. Councillor Tony Harper, Chair of Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee, said: “A study shows that just 10 days in bed can reduce hip and leg muscle strength by 14% and aerobic capacity by 12% – the equivalent of 10 years of life.

So, it is vital that we do everything we can to support people to leave hospital as soon as they are medically fit. “We are also having different conversations with people now. We are working with people at an early stage and focusing on their strengths and abilities, rather than rushing in and carrying out an assessment which may result in them becoming reliant on our support. This early intervention and the short-term prevention services we offer are key to helping people retain their independence for as long as possible.” Find out more about services and support at www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/adultsocialcare or by phoning 0300 500 80 80.

The seasons have quickly changed from Summer to Autumnal temperatures, so it’s time to think about getting the annual flu vaccination.
Nottinghamshire County Council’s Chairman of Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee, Councillor Tony Harper, along with public health officials, is reminding residents in Nottinghamshire to get their flu jabs to help protect the most vulnerable people from getting flu, which can be life threatening.

This year, health and social care priorities across the county are to improve the uptake of the free nasal spray vaccination for 2 and 3 year olds, free flu jabs for pregnant women, over 65s and patients in clinical risk groups.

The flu jab is also being offered to all frontline social care staff who are directly employed by the County Council. The uptake of the flu vaccination last year for pregnant women and toddlers aged two and three across Nottinghamshire was less than 50%, the national ambition for this year is to achieve an uptake of at least 55%. For the over 65s, last Autumn/Winter the uptake in Nottinghamshire was over 70%, the national ambition for 2019/20 is 75%. Councillor Harper said: “Flu can kill so it’s important to make sure you are vaccinated. Some people are more at risk than others and it can be extremely dangerous for them to contract flu.

“Vaccination is the best protection we have against flu and it’s important that you get vaccinated each year as the flu virus is constantly changing.” If there is an increase in uptake from those most at risk this in turn helps to reduce serious health consequences and hospitalisation amongst these groups as well as GP appointments and pressure on A&E. Anyone who falls outside the at-risk groups can get the flu jab from high street chemists and most of the leading supermarkets at varying costs.

If you fall into an at-risk category, you can get the flu jab for free on the NHS from your local GP or pharmacy.

Motorpoint Arena

A Star is Born This Way a stage show performed by Donna Marie as a tribute to Lady Gaga, covering all of Lady Gaga’s hits as well as some of the songs from the film “A Star is Born”.

Covering an artiste such as Lady Gaga is always going to be an enormous task, both vocally and visually Lady Gaga is a unique talent. Thankfully Donna Marie, was able to bring some of that magic to Nottingham’s Motorpoint Arena.

After going through the tedious task of queuing up to be searched, we were then directed to our seats. For this performance the stage had been moved to the far end of the arena, to create a more intimate feel.

The opening of the show tried to replicate the start of the film “A Star Is Born” by having a male singer/guitarist (Adam Kelbie) perform “Black Eyes” just like in the film. From this point on Adam and the lady Gaga impersonator Donna Marie covered most of the tracks from the film. However, the audience only really burst into life during the more popular hits from the film such as “Shallow” and “I’ll Never Love Again”.

Before Donna Marie returned for the second half of the show, there was a guest vocalist who had won a competition to sing to the audience, Charlotte Pearce from Stoke on Trent was given ten minutes to impress the crowd with her vocal talent. Her cover of Anastacia’s “Left Outside Alone” was certainly a great way to demonstrate her vocal prowess. Hopefully Charlotte might go on to be signed and record some material.

Donna Marie returned for the second half of the show, this part of the show was geared towards the megahits that Lady Gaga has recorded. Donna managed to do an impressive job of entertaining the audience with renditions of hits such as “Born This Way”, “Poker Face”, and “Bad Romance”. The audience appeared to react better to the songs during this part of the show than the first half.

My only criticism about this show were the gap fillers in between songs whilst Donna Marie was changing into different costumes, it just lost the flow of the show at times. But if you see some of the costumes it is easy to understand why those gap fillers were necessary.

Donna Marie is a tribute act worth going to see live, a good entertaining evening with incredible music.

Review by Luke Seagrave

Shakespears Sister returned to Nottingham’s Royal Concert Hall for their opening night of their UK tour. This is a tour that many fans felt would never happen, because back in 1993 due to the differences between the vocalists (Marcella Detroit and Siobhan Fahey) they parted ways for numerous reasons, leading to the cancellation of their show at the Royal Albert Hall. Thankfully before they split, they had managed to perform the Nottingham show to promote the album “Hormonally Yours”.

So fast forward to 2019, and the vocalist have made up and reunited for a brand-new UK tour. .

Support came via Delena, a female vocalist from the Ukraine, who had an impressive voice, however the dance music appeared to be lost on the audience. At times it looked like Delena was lip syncing due to the synthesised effects.

Once the stage was set for the imminent arrival of Shakespears Sister, they casually strolled on to the stage, Marcella wearing dark subtle attire, whereas Siobhan arrived wearing a white cowboy suit with flowers emblazoned on it (possibly it was a reference to Elvis Presley’s comeback suit).

Goodbye Cruel World” was the set opener, and from that point on it was a trip down memory lane, with hits from the albums “Sacred Hearts” and “Hormonally Yours” transporting the audience back to the times when we were all a lot younger.

Marcella and Siobhan certainly seemed to be enjoying themselves on stage, and maybe the fact that they weren’t under any pressure to perform any recent hits made them more relaxed, although they did include their most recent single “All the Queens Horses”. As great as that was to listen to, it was clear that the fans really just wanted the old material. To be fair at £75 per ticket, the fans had every right to be demanding of the old material. Sure, enough that is exactly what they got.

Songs such as “I Don’t Care”, “The Trouble with Andre”, “My 16th Apology”, “You’re History” and “Dirty Mind” were pure blasts from the past. They used their songs as a narrative to explain their love/hate relationship throughout the years. Which worked really well in terms of their turbulent past.

Vocally both Marcella and Siobhan were a tour de force, and the show was amazing. The only slight criticism was the lack of build up when introducing their biggest hit “Stay”, I understand that they are possibly fed up to the back teeth of this song as it is not a true reflection on their musical style. But it would have been nice for them to have put a bit more effort into the build up to it. However even two and a half decades after its release “Stay” is still a powerful emotional song. A true classic ballad.

After 17 songs spanning across their back catalogue, it was time for the reunited vocalists to say bye to the adoring fans. However in true Shakespears Sister style they came back for the obligatory encore and finished with “Hello (Turn Your Radio On)” I think it must have been a quirky in joke to break convention, seeing as the set opened with “Goodbye Cruel World” and finished with “Hello”. There seems to some irony to those.

In short, both Marcella and Siobhan demonstrated that somethings are worth waiting for, and certainly for me, as someone who saw them 27 years ago, then had the privilege of catching them again in 2019, they are still as powerful live as they were back in their younger days. Let’s hope they have many more successful years and stay together.

Goodbye Cruel World


Dangerous Game

Dirty Mind

My 16th Apology

Heaven Is in Your Arms

The Trouble with Andre

Emotional Thing

C U Next Tuesday

Time to Say Goodbye

All the Queen’s Horses

When She Finds You

Black Sky


Are We in Love Yet

I Don’t Care

You’re History



Hello (Turn Your Radio On)

Review by Luke Seagrave

Well it’s now November and I think we are now in the safe zone to mention the big man and Christmas!! The shops are all gearing up to it with the introduction of Xmas foods ranging from mince pies, cakes, chocolates, biscuits and the booze, wines and spirits.

At this time of year, we are in two minds, work out now to get into that new Xmas outfit or wait for the January rush when we jump on the get fit wagon.


You have a chance now to build up your fitness, the gyms will be quieter than January so you can take your time to learn how to use the machines properly and build technique and form and to understand the training regime you want to adopt. Try a few classes and get comfortable in the gym surrounding. Many are looking for weight loss:

Here at PECS exercise is a yearlong activity, it is important to remember that it is a full lifestyle change when we exercise for health and fitness. Not only do we exercise for image to change how we look, but very much a full body change inside and out. I would recommend that any individual embarking on a new or a resumed training programme should also do so when they are 100% sure that they are ready to start and carry on, not just at Christmas, in January, but the whole year through, and hopefully for life.

Here is a list of essentials to remember when working out as a long-term gym goer, beginner or novice.

  • Always have a good reliable training partner (If you choose to train in a pair)
  • Always stay hydrated, drink plenty of water
  • Train in the right gym/ environment
  • Always warm up before working out
  • Respect your workout area, always put away weights after use
  • Eat good nutritional food, proteins, carbs, good fats
  • Get a good amount of rest/ sleep

It wouldn’t be realistic to be expected to eat totally healthily over the Christmas period, its only right to make the right choices and compromises when looking at the nutrition side of your diet. Here at PECS Fitness we do offer our RIGHT BITE PREPPED MEALS.







All meals served with your choice of


Individual Chicken meals £4.50 each / Salmon £5.25

Orders of 5 or more are offered at a discounted price


Our august challenge was the crucifix hold (lateral raise dumbbell hold), the men used 5kg dumbbells and the ladies 3kg. Our winners did a great job with a lot of competition.

Male winner: Wayne C with a time of 2.04

Female winner: Theresa B with a time of 2 minutes

Our September challenge was how long you could hold a plank on the elbows for. We had some partnership rivalry to start our competition until eventually the winners were

Nathan Munn plank hold 2minutes 21 seconds

Lisa Bourne plank hold 5 minutes 1 second!!!

Amazing results, especially from Lisa who is a previous winner.


You will find the new challenge on the board downstairs at PECS Fitness.

Our prices

PAYG – Single class / gym session £4.50

Weekly £10 (includes classes)

Monthly Cash £20 (includes classes)

Pay cash for first month then set up a standing order for £15 bringing price down to an amazing £3.50 a week including all classes!!!!

We are open 8am -9pm Mon-Fri / 8am – 4pm Sat-Sun

If you need to contact us at PECS either drop in and see us at:



Phone: Steve 07957767710 / Tracy 07855125825

Visit our Facebook page: PECS Fitness

Website: pecsfitness.com

Mansfield Palace Theatre 26th Oct 2019

In a world full of Meat Loaf tribute acts, there is one tribute that has been doing the rounds since 1993. Steve Steinman has taken the art of being a tribute act to the highest level over the last two decades. After an appearance on the tv show “Stars in Their Eyes” in 1993 as Meat Loaf, Steve started working all the pubs and clubs with his tribute act.

Fast forward to 2019, and he has taken it from a one man show and developed it into an all out balls to the wall, turn it up to eleven, rock music extravaganza, with a full stage production that would make some west end productions feel inadequate. Employing a full ensemble of talented musicians and dancers as well as having a production team to keep touring year after year. This is no longer a tribute act but a whole new beast in stage production albeit with the magic of Meat Loafs music being the Centrepoint. This has turned into more than just a tribute act, it is the musical that Meat Loaf never had.

For 2019, Steve had managed to rope in the vocal talents of female vocalist Lorraine Crosby, (The original female vocalist on Meat Loafs “I’d Do Anything for Love” hit single.). However, the show would require more than just Lorraine’s impressive vocals to give the waiting fans value for money, who had parted with £26.50 for their tickets.

As the lights faded to black, the unmistakable sound of the motorbike intro on “I’d do Anything for Love” reverberated around the theatre. Just before the drums kicked in, the curtain parted to reveal the band. Steve strolled on stage to a rapturous round of applause as the vocals kicked in. From the opening notes Steve had got the audience eating out of the palm of his hands. During the instrumental that leads up to the female vocals, Lorraine walked out on stage and demonstrated why Meat Loaf wanted her vocals on that single. Even decades later Lorraine has managed to keep her vocal range intact. Absolute pleasure to hear her voice live.

From that point on, it was a whirlwind tour through some of Meat Loafs biggest hits. In between the songs there was tongue in cheek dialogue, with great interaction from the crowd. It is the interaction and dialogue that sets Steve Steinman apart from all the other tribute acts, this is more of a stage show designed to showcase the incredible music of Meat Loaf rather than being a pure tribute to the rock star. Even to the point of the band extending “You Took the Words Right Out of my Mouth” because the audiences clapping went out of time with the drums, so the entire band chipped in to get the audience back on track.

Having a vocalist as talented as Lorraine sharing vocal duties, it was only a matter of time before she took centre stage and was allowed to belt out hits such as “It’s all Coming Back to me Now” and “Holding out for a Hero” without the assistance of any other vocalists.

Throughout the two and half hours, Steve and Lorraine had ploughed through the back catalogue of Jim Steinman’s and Meat Loafs creations, songs such as “Paradise by the Dashboard Light”, “Life is a Lemon”, “For Crying Out Loud” and of course the show closer “Bat Out of Hell” were all delivered with the force of a tropical storm amidst a stunning lighting display armed with pyrotechnics throughout the show.

The beauty of this stage production lies within the fundamental aim, which is to celebrate the magic of Meat Loafs music rather than to try and be Meat Loaf. And there is no doubt that Steve Steinman’s “Anything for Love” production brings the magic of Meat Loafs songs to life. With the help of incredibly talented musicians and backing dancers this becomes a tour de force of live music. Much more than just an average tribute act!

Sadly, if you missed this production, then you will be waiting quite sometime before it comes back to Mansfield. Despite performing in Mansfield for 17 years, unfortunately Mansfield Palace theatre won’t be having “Anything for Love” back in the next few years due to the venue allegedly being that busy. So if you are eager to catch one of these productions, You could catch either Vampires Rock in February at Mansfield Palace Theatre in February (They play the odd Meat Loaf song) or make the trek to Nottingham Arena on May 29th 2020 for “Anything For Love” with the Bad for Good orchestra for a night of rock anthems from the mighty Meat Loaf repertoire.

A fabulous night out and great value for money.

Review by Luke Seagrave

Photographs by Luke Seagrave

A Nottingham-based building supplies and plant and tool hire company has donated more than £2,000 to help students at Arnold Hill Academy complete their Gold Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) expedition in Snowdonia.
Frank Key Group in Daybook is owned by Robert Sansom, a long term supporter of Arnold Hill Academy. He pledged £200 per student to cover part of the cost of taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh expedition. The whole expedition process costs £525 per person.

Twelve students planned and completed a four-day expedition across Snowdonia National Park. The expedition is a vital component of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Roger Smith is Arnold Hill’s DofE Centre Manager. He says: “The generous contribution that the school received from Frank Key went a long way to making this expedition a reality. During the expedition, our students faced a real challenge that pushed them to the limit, both physically and mentally.

The skills they learned will benefit them greatly in years to come.
“The Duke of Edinburgh award is of huge value to young people in the jobs market. It provides a real point of difference, helping them to develop skills that will be useful in the workplace. It’s fantastic to see Frank Key investing in the future of our students.”

Robert Sansom adds: “It is a pleasure to continue our support with Arnold Hill School and its Duke of Edinburgh programme. Helping the students take part in such a life-changing scheme is truly rewarding. We take great pride in investing in our local community and helping young people succeed.

A massive well done to all of those who took part; we are sure you have all developed valuable skills and made memories for life.” The Duke of Edinburgh Award is widely acknowledged as the world’s leading achievement award for young people. To achieve an award, students take part in a host of activities including volunteering, learning a skill, getting fit, taking part in a week-long residential and planning and undertaking an expedition in wild country. www.dofe.org.

Frank Key is an independent family-owned company with its HQ in the Daybrook, Nottingham and branches across Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Yorkshire. It has an ongoing programme of charitable donations and supports many local community groups and campaigns.
For more information about Frank Key, visit www.frank-key.co.uk.