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A Lancaster woman is counting the cost of dumping bedroom furniture in a field after being ordered to pay a total of £700 in fines and costs by magistrates. Jordana Scott, of Ellwood Square in Lancaster, was taken to court by Lancaster City Council as part of its Operation Peregrine initiative, which aims to crack down on fly-tipping and make those responsible pay for their actions. The court heard that in May last year Ms Scott committed a fly-tipping offence on land at Far Moor in Lancaster.

The fly-tip included bedroom furniture, a silver bedside cabinet and a dressing table. Witnesses were able to provide investigators with photographs of the accused and the vehicle used to commit the offence. Ms Scott was issued with a fixed penalty notice by enforcement officers for the offence and reminded of the benefits of paying it early. Having failed to pay the fixed penalty, the matter was brought before the court where Ms Scott pleaded guilty to fly-tipping some of the items, an offence under s33(1)of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

She was fined £400 and ordered to pay £40 victim surcharge and £260 costs which include the cost of clearing up the waste. Coun Brendan Hughes, Cabinet member with responsibility for Environmental Services, said: “Lancaster City Council is committed to ensuring that the law is enforced against perpetrators of this selfish crime. “There is simply no excuse for fly-tipping. There is enough information out there now through the council’s campaign for people to know right from wrong when it comes to disposing of their waste and what they need to do if they want to avoid a knock on the door or an appearance in court.”

If you want to join in the battle against fly-tipping and can offer any information which might lead to an offender being identified and caught, please call Lancaster City Council Customer Services on 01524 582491, email customerservices@lancaster.gov.uk or use the online reporting form at www.lancaster.gov.uk/fly-tipping

Burnley’s prestigious sponsorship-funded business awards ceremony will be taking place on the 20th June 2019 at Towneley Hall. Event organisers Burnley Council and Burnley Bondholders are proud to announce the valued sponsorship line-up for this year’s event. The University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) has taken the headline sponsorship to support the event and raise awareness of the university’s growth in Burnley and the education and business support the university offers; other valued sponsors include: Burnley College Project Digital; Themis; AMS Neve; Safran; Holiday Inn Express; Paradigm Precision, Rotherwood Recruitment; Napthens Solicitors; Barnfield Construction; Taylors Solicitors; Boohoo; Forbes Solicitors; Mint Business Travel; Veka; Eshton Developments; Charter Walk Shopping Centre; Peter Scott Printers and Moorhouse’s Brewery. Council leader Mark Townsend said: “I’d like to extend my thanks to all the sponsors, the event couldn’t take place without their valued support, it reflects the excellent links the council has with both the public and private sector. It’s great to have UCLan as headline sponsor this year, reinforcing our university town message and the economic benefits that becoming a university town will bring.

“We’ve been working hard over recent years to promote the borough to attract new investment and jobs, and Burnley is now recognised as a go to place for business with a ‘can do’ attitude. The business awards ceremony is a fantastic way of showcasing our successful businesses and business infrastructure offer.” Council chief executive Mick Cartledge said: “The ceremony gets bigger every time and we are expecting around 560 guests this year. It’s a great way to acknowledge and celebrate our successful businesses and their workforces, and the event is a key diary date in Burnley’s business calendar.” Dr Ebrahim Adia, Provost at UCLan Burnley added: “The University is delighted and proud to be the headline sponsor of this year’s Burnley Business Awards. In partnership with Burnley Council and other key stakeholders UCLan is developing a cohesive, long-term plan to increase the number of University students educated in Burnley by ten-fold. Working in collaboration with businesses across the borough, we are committed to creating the higher-level skills supply needed to drive Burnley’s economic resurgence.” The Burnley Business Awards will be open for entries on Friday 25th January. Businesses can enter online at www.burnley.co.uk/businessawards- the awards this year include:

Small Business of the Year Award sponsored by Safran
Medium Business of the Year Award sponsored by HIEX
Business of the Year Award sponsored by Paradigm Precision. Innovation Award sponsored by Napthens Solicitors. The Manufacturing Excellence Award sponsored by Taylors Solicitors
Young Business Person of the Year sponsored by Barnfield Construction
Leisure and Tourism Award sponsored by Mint Business Travel
Employer of the Year Award sponsored by Rotherwood Recruitment
Digital Impact Award sponsored by Burnley College Project Digital Apprenticeship Scheme
Apprenticeship Scheme Award sponsored by Themis
Growing Business of Year sponsored by Forbes Solicitors
Burnley Business Leader of the Year sponsored by UCLan

Leading Car & Van Leasing company XLCR Vehicle Management of Colne has agreed to become the headline sponsor for the Pendle Mayor’s Ball this year. Lee Duerden said: “I am delighted to be able to support the event. The sponsorship will go towards extra glitz and an enhanced food offer.”
As well providing funding, Lee will be attending and hosting his own table and hopes to provide some top-notch auction prizes as well. The Mayor’s annual Charity Ball has a soul and Marvin Gaye theme as Pendle’s Mayor and Mayoress host a glitzy event which will also raise funds for children and young people.

“Californian singer Robin Lee from Sacramento is the lead artist and is the only Marvin Gaye tribute act in the UK,” said His Worship The Mayor of Pendle, Councillor James Keith Starkie. We intend to give him a great welcome to Pendle!” “’What’s Going On’ is the title of one of Marvin’s greatest songs. It’s one of a brilliant set of songs that are perfect for getting people up and dancing,” explained Councillor Starkie. He added: “Other soul and popular music from the 70s, 80s and 90s will form part of the DJ sets.” The black tie event takes place on Friday 1st March at The Fence Gate Inn from 6.30pm. It starts with a complimentary reception drink and will be followed by a luxury four course dinner with a Lancashire theme.
The Mayor’s annual ball is an important fundraising event and all profits will go into the Mayoress of Pendle’s charity pot. “However,” the Mayor said, “as this is a celebration of music these funds will go specifically towards children & young people to further their musical abilities.” “We’ve been to several events where young people have played instruments and sung and there are many youngsters that we will help with this.”

Mayoress Janet Starkie’s working life has been in education and she knows that music helps with children’s and young people’s resilience, supporting mental and physical health and well-being. “We have helped, or are about to help, several local organisations which offer support for disadvantaged youngsters. This charity fundraiser is slightly different,” he said. Tickets for the event are £45 or £425 for a table of ten and can be booked by contacting Pendle Council on 01282 661661 during office hours. The event includes a charity auction and raffle.

For more information and to donate prizes and experiences for the Ball to help in the fundraising efforts please contact Fiona Standring, The Mayor’s Secretary, on 01282 661636 or email fiona.standring@pendle.gov.uk

The story of how thousands of documents were saved from destruction by the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto will be shown for the first time.
On Sunday January 27, at Manchester Central Library the UK premiere of ‘Who Will Write Our History’ will take place, telling the story of how thousands of documents were preserved for future generations by a small number of brave inhabitants of the Warsas Ghetto. The Oyneg Shabes archive, also known as the Ringelblum Archive, would survive the war and become a key part in our understanding of life in Warsaw for Jews living under Nazi occupation.

There will also be performances by young people during the afternoon in the library exploring this year’s HMD theme – ‘Torn From Home’. This theme was chosen to encourage members of the public to picture how their lives would change if uprooted from the place which they call ‘home’. Earlier in the week Manchester schoolchildren were invited to HOME to hear the story of Holocaust survivor Danny Herman, who when he was only four years old fled from Germany to the UK just before the outbreak of the Second World War.

His story is an example of how refugees can start a new life after fleeing the most horrific of circumstances, and the compassion shown to them by a welcoming country when they were most in need. Also, as part of a week of commemoration school children have been creating artwork with artist Caroline Slifkin in response to the theme, which will be on display on Sunday in the Library. Lord Mayor of Manchester, Councillor June Hitchen, said: “The atrocities committed during the Holocaust, and subsequent genocides can never, and should never be forgotten.

“We are duty bound to remember the millions of people who were killed to ensure one of the darkest periods in human history will never be repeated.
“The events of the Holocaust will soon slip from living memory but through events such as this we can ensure generations to come will learn, contemplate, and never forget such a terrible atrocity. Holocaust Memorial Day: Statement of Commitment

  1. We recognise that the Holocaust shook the foundations of modern civilisation. Its unprecedented character and horror will always hold universal meaning.
  2. We believe that the Holocaust must have a permanent place in our nation’s collective memory. We honour the survivors still with us, and reaffirm our shared goals of mutual understanding and justice.
  3. We must make sure that future generations understand the causes of the Holocaust and reflect upon its consequences. We vow to remember the victims of Nazi persecutions and of all genocide.
  4. We value the sacrifices of those who have risked their lives to protect or rescue victims as a touchstone of the human capacity for good in the face of evil.
  5. We recognise that humanity is still scarred by the belief that race or religion or disability or sexuality makes people’s lives worth less than others. Genocide, anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia and discrimination still continue. We have a shared responsibility to fight theses evils.
  6. We pledge to strengthen our efforts to promote education and research about the Holocaust and other genocides. We will do our utmost to make sure that the lessons of such events are fully learnt.
  7. We will continue to encourage Holocaust remembrance by holding an annual UK Holocaust Memorial Day. We condemn the evils of prejudice, discrimination and racism. We value a free, tolerant and democratic society.

While the traders at Manchester’s Arndale Market may be the best in the business at squeezing every penny out of a deal the tables were turned on them this Christmas. Linking up with homelessness charity Lifeshare, a wealth of food and clothes were donated to people in need during the festive period. Boxes of items including warm fleeces and clothes for newborns were donated as well as more than 10 bags of leftover food from traders. Manchester City Council and members of the Manchester Homelessness Partnership often see an increased number of people in need of support during the festive period. Generous donations such as this are always welcome to members of the MHP during one of the most challenging times of the year.

Julie Gimeno, assistant manager at Arndale Market, said: “The original idea came from Steve one of our Environmental Operatives who works in the market who suggested we get involved with a food bank over Christmas. “After some research we teamed up with the charity Lifeshare who work in Manchester to help homeless people living in the city. “We wouldn’t have been able to help without the support of our fantastic traders. More than ten came forward to help, and many of our staff brought food and clothing to donate. “It was so encouraging to see the support for this initiative and it is something we plan on doing again next Christmas.”

Ellen Gallacher, from Lifeshare, said: “We have been overwhelmed this Christmas by the generosity of not just the public, but from groups like the Arndale Market traders. People giving us food and warm clothing is helpful but what is just as important is people donating their time to help those in need. Councillor Sue Murphy, Deputy Leader of Manchester City Council, said: “Homelessness is an issue Manchester City Council cannot tackle alone. We are fortunate to have network of organisations in the Manchester Homelessness Partnership, as well as individuals and traders who contribute to supporting people who are homeless.

“Our goal is to one day ensure no one has to rely on donations to stave off hunger and cold in Manchester. “But, for anyone inspired by the generosity of these traders I would urge them to visit streetsupport.net/Manchester to see how you can help or make a donation.”

Join Sooty and friends for his brand new laugh out loud magic show this February at King George’s Hall. Direct from their hit ITV series, Sooty, Sweep and Soo, TV’s Richard Cadell will amaze you with impossible tricks and sidesplitting jokes. Be astounded at Sooty’s flying car, Soo’s singing unicorn and Sweep’s levitating sausage! With special guests circus star Michael Jordan and the ultraviolet specialties of Fantasie de la Nuit.
This spectacular treat for the whole family includes a chance to meet Richard and Sooty after the show. More information on how to book can be found below.

Venue: King George’s Hall, Northgate, Blackburn. BB2 1AA
Date: Wednesday 20 February Times: 11.00am and 2.30pm
Ticket price:
• Full price ticket from £13.00
• Child ticket (under 16) from £11.00
• Family ticket from £42.00

Tickets are available:
• Online: www.kinggeorgeshall.com
• By phone: (01254) 582579
• In person: King George’s Hall Box Office, Northgate, Blackburn

A successful bid by Burnley Council for extra Government funding will help pay for more action to tackle rogue landlords in the borough. The council will receive £62,294 which will be used to enable housing staff to carry out a programme of more targeted enforcement and other work. Councillor John Harbour, the council’s executive member for housing and environment, said: “We’re very pleased that we will receive the full amount of grant that we applied for. This money will help improve conditions for residents in our borough. “The majority of landlords provide good quality well managed properties and are willing to work with the council to provide good quality homes for their tenants.

“However, there are some rogue landlords that don’t follow the rules and undermine the reputation of the private rented sector by providing sub-standard accommodation. This affects the quality of life for their tenants and has an adverse impact on the wider neighbourhood. “This funding will allow the council to effectively target these rogue landlords and take tough action against them where necessary. We will work with other agencies such as the police, the utility companies and Trading Standards to carry out effective enforcement action against those landlords that simply don’t care about their properties or their tenants.” Clare Jackson, the council’s private sector housing manager, said: “Damp and cold conditions, together with electrical hazards including bypassed meters, are the most common problems associated with private rented properties in Burnley, all of which put the health, safety and welfare of the occupants at risk. “Where there is deprivation and vulnerability, evidence is starting to suggest that the criminal landlords use this to their advantage, and it can lead to illegal activities.

The funding will be used to carry out targeted action, to support the work already underway, such as extra property inspections and any intelligence gathered will be shared with other councils across East Lancashire.

“Don’t spoil your New Year with a hefty fine for fly tipping!” Pendle Council’s Senior Environmental Crime Officer, David Alexander, is warning local residents. “Now that the festive season is over and the sales are on with bargains for home improvements, people start de-cluttering and getting jobs done around the house,” he said. “This is a timely reminder to people that they have a legal Duty of Care to make sure that none of their DIY waste runs the risk of being fly tipped,” he explained.

“When a plumber or builder or man with a van offers to take your old bathroom suite or kitchen units away for a small charge, they may be dumping your waste illegally,” warned Environmental Crime Officer Jonathan Yurek. “The penalties for fly tipping are steep and anyone found guilty faces an unlimited fine or even a sentence of up to five years in prison,” he said. Over the last 12 months Pendle Council dealt with thousands of fly tips ranging from a couple of bin bags to lorry/trailer loads of waste and has prosecuted businesses and local residents.
Jonathan, who’s appeared on TV’s Dom on the Spot investigating fly tipping said: “If a person fly tips or illegally dumps waste they have collected from your house then you could be prosecuted and fined. “This includes builders or contractors doing work for you who offer to take the waste away as part of their service,” she added.

The advice to local residents getting rid of their waste is to:

  1. Make sure the person taking away your waste is registered with the Environment Agency as a waste carrier by checking the register of waste carriers, brokers and dealers on their website https://environment.data.gov.uk/public-register/view/search-waste-carriers-brokers
  2. Ask where your waste is being taken and get a receipt which includes a description of the waste.
  3. Make a note of their vehicle registration number.
    Pendle Council works hard to reduce the risk of fly tipping.
    The Council collects bulky household items, such as large pieces of furniture, cookers or fridge/freezers and charges £10 for up to 10 items and provides an affordable collection service for DIY items with a minimum of charge of £23.25. These include doors, bathroom suites, kitchen units, bricks and rubble with more information on www.pendle/gov.uk/recyclingandrefuse or ring 01282 661743. “And we have two household recycling centres in Barnoldswick and Burnley so there really is no reason to fly tip,” said David.Alexander.
    Pendle Council takes environmental crime seriously and people can report any incidents via www.pendle.gov.uk/envirocrime or by calling (01282) 661743 or contact the Environment Agency on 0800 807060.

The leader of Burnley Council has welcomed a planning application for student accommodation as an important milestone in the drive to transform Burnley into a “university town”. Plans lodged with the council propose a 136-bed mixed use building with car parking to provide high-quality student accommodation and retail space on council-owned land next to Sandygate Square in the historic Weavers’ Triangle area of the town.
It is part of the University of Central Lancashire’s (UCLan) plans to expand student numbers in Burnley from 400 to 4,000 by 2025.

Council leader Mark Townsend said: “This is another important step forward in ambitious plans to transform Burnley into a university town with a thriving student population. “You only have to look at other towns and cities that have university campuses to see what a positive impact that has to the local economy. We want to maximise the economic benefits that students will bring, so the council has a role to play in making the town attractive to students. Good quality accommodation is crucial.”

Chair of the UCLan Board David Taylor said the development would play a vital role in encouraging students to study with UCLan. “Our aim is to provide students with a guarantee of value for money accommodation,” he said. “Our partnership with Burnley Council will provide a safe, comfortable living environment and a vibrant, inclusive halls community.”
The application will be considered by the council’s development control committee and a decision on the plans is expected in early spring. If the plans are granted, work on the development would begin straight away, with completion expected by August 2020.

If approved, the accommodation would be developed in partnership by the council, UCLan and Barnfield Investment Properties.The council will receive an income from rent and UCLan will run the facility on the council’s behalf.

Finding the perfect venue is likely to be at the top of any newly engaged couples list. With the venue playing a vital role in the success of your day it’s the big decision you really need to get right. Just like viewing a new property it is easy to become overexcited and fall in love with a place without checking the venue can cater to your requirements, so hitched.co.uk are here to answer that question – how to choose a wedding venue?

Wait until you get the feeling Much like finding your dress, the shoes, a new home, it is true that when you view venues you will know if it is right for you. You need to be able to picture yourself there on the day and ensure the style of the building both exterior and interior will work with the theme of your wedding. Finding the right venue in our opinion is the most important factor, once you fall in love with somewhere before rushing in to anything at the very least check the following match your criteria: Is it the right location?

Where will your guests be coming from? If they are not local, choosing a venue that is easily accessible, has accommodation on site or hotels in close proximity is desirable. If you have guests coming from abroad how far is the closest international airport? These factors may play a role in your decision making.

Is the capacity right for you?
Think about whether you need a large capacity wedding venue or a smaller and more intimate wedding venue. The size of the venue is just as important, too small for your number of guests and the room will feel stuffy and overcrowded, too big and guests will feel lost and the space will feel cold. When a space is empty it is hard to imagine how it will look when filled with tables. For this reason we would always advise viewing a venue when it is set up for a wedding. If this is not possible ask to see photographs, most venues should have a photo book or slide-show. Another tip is to ask for a seating plan of the room at capacity, this will give you a good idea of how much space there is and how comfortably your guests numbers will fit.

Ask about the flow of the day
Make sure the venue representative talks you through how a typical day runs. The flow of the day is crucial, any long pauses or delays and your guests will become bored. If your ceremony and reception is in the same room how long does the turnaround take, where will the guests be and what will they be doing?

This is also relevant between the reception meal and the evening dancing. The weather in the UK can be unpredictable to say the least! If it does rain does the venue have indoor space for the reception drinks? Do they provide a master of ceremonies/manager? This takes the stress off you and is the best way to make sure all your guests are where they are meant to be at all times. 

Check the timings 
Planning the time of your ceremony is a big decision; when do the venue advise? In our experience weddings of 8-9 hours work well, any longer than this and the atmosphere dwindles towards the end, you want your wedding to end on a high! Also bear in mind where the majority of people will be coming from on the day, leave plenty of time for people to get ready and arrive. Also ask, what set up time is included in the hire fee, when will your suppliers have access to the room and when do things need to be collected?

Think about the lighting. Lighting plays an important part in any event, if your ceremony is during the day does the room have lots of natural daylight? During the evening do they provide/ let you bring in candles? Cameras will be a big part of your day so practise your smiles! Bearing this in mind what is the surrounding area around your venue like? Where will your photographs be? If you are looking at a central town hall where will you take outdoor photographs?

The view from the venue and any outdoor space is also a massive plus not only for photographs but for your guests enjoyment. Does the venue have grounds or ample outdoor space – this is useful if you have children attending and for guests to stretch their legs for ten minutes after the reception meal. Check the finer details. At the venue viewing stage you will not know every detail of your day however you must ask the venue what is not permitted…. If you envisage a romantic candlelit winter ceremony check the venue permits candles!

If you are having your ceremony at the same venue can you throw confetti? Finding these details out early in the planning stage before you book is essential, you are likely to have an idea of what your day will be like and the venue needs to be able to live up to this, for this reason write a list of…..
Make a list of your non-negotiable’s
Before viewing any venues sit down with your partner and discuss any non-negotiable’s these could include: Budget – will the venue be able to provide everything you need within your budget, is VAT included in the price, are staff gratuities added and if so are they optional? Catering – What type of cuisine would you like? Can the venue provide this?

Suppliers – do you have artistic friends that want to bake the cake or take the photographs? If so check the venue will permit this or do you need to use their recommended suppliers? Live music – if you would like a band does the venue permit this? If you would like a string quartet during reception drinks do the venue allow music outside? Fireworks, sparklers, flame eaters etc. – if you have any different entertainment ideas check your venue will allow it.

Finding your venue will be one of the big milestones in your wedding planning and will determine your date, location and therefore will impact a lot of your other wedding planning decisions. You may even want to consider finding a wedding dress that perfectly suits your venue.