. Lancashire News Archives - Wilcop Media

Recycle Vinyl started buying Record collections and selling them online 2 and a half years ago on Discogs market place, within 6 months we were in the top 40 sellers of Vinyl in the UK on that platform, so after a year we set up our own website and app, the App has now had over 11000 downloads and reaches customers from all around the world!

We have been open by appointment for the past couple of years from our 4 units located in an old mill but have now decided to open a shop. We spent a long time trying find the perfect location even looking at moving to Manchester or Leeds but we eventually found the perfect spot for us close to home in Elland above a Post Office which is perfect for our online business! 

We have spent the past year working on creating the perfect Record Shop experience for our customers, and starting from 4th March 2023 we will be open every Saturday and aim to keep the shop stock levels at about 20,000 Dance Music Records available at all times!

We are only opening on Saturdays 10am – 6pm as we are too busy during midweek with online sales to open then, however we are going to make the one day a week count by having live DJ’s in store once a month and those DJ sets will be recorded and played back in the shop on the other Saturdays!

Our shop features 4 listening posts so you can try before you buy and a coffee machine to keep you going as it will easily take you at least a day to go through what we have in store!

A man who carried out a serious assault inside a house in Blackburn has been jailed for five years following an investigation by officers in our East Division.

We were called to Whalley New Road just after 7am on October 7, last year, following reports of an assault.

Investigations discovered that defendant Paul Donlin had knocked on the door of the property and as soon as he was let inside, he made threats to his first male victim.

When the second male victim went to see what was going on, he was hit to the face by Donlin. A struggle then ensued, during which Donlin kicked the victim to the head at least two times.

The second victim – who suffered a 2cm cut to his forehead, cuts around his face, two chipped teeth, rib injuries and some hearing loss – manged to escape via the front door and was picked up by a passer-by.

Donlin then got into a waiting Mercedes car and while being driven around came across the first victim on nearby Cornelian Street. After being threatened with being stabbed by Donlin, the first victim was led back to Whalley New Road.

Donlin then told the first victim he had ten seconds to bring the other occupants of the house outside and began counting down from ten.

The first victim ran through the house, out of the back door and hid in a nearby garden until police arrived.

Donlin, 40, of Teasel Walk, Morecambe, was arrested and answered no comment to all questions put to him.

Donlin pleaded guilty to Section 20 Assault, two affrays and making off without payment. He was sentenced to five years custody at Preston Crown Court on Tuesday (May 10).

DC Adele Hassall, of Blackburn CID, said: “Donlin’s conduct on the morning of October 7 was completely unacceptable and I hope this sentence reflects how seriously Lancashire Police and the courts treat this kind of violent offending.

“Donlin left one man with some very nasty injuries and others, including bystanders, extremely fearful.

“I would like to thank my colleagues for helping to compile the evidence which led to Donlin’s conviction and subsequent sentence.”

The Benefits of an Active Social Life
We have all heard the saying that ‘laughter is the best medicine’, many of us know that this can be true in many cases. The main reason is because we usually share these funny moments with other people. No matter what our age, maintaining an active social life and making new friends is so important for our overall health. Spending time with people you love and respect affects our happiness and can relieve a massive amount of stress. When paired with other healthy habits such as eating well and staying fit, socialising frequently can help us all keep cognitively active and improve our memory.

Nurturing strong social bonds isn’t just good for our mental health though, it also improves our physical health too. Research shows that reduced stress also reduces the likelihood of heart disease, strokes, and diabetes.
Reasons to Nurture Strong Relationships with Elderly People Cross-generational friendships are enlightening for both sides. From simply making strong social bonds to giving us important life lessons, there are a whole host of reasons to make friends with people from different generations. Older people can teach us life lessons which will impact our resilience, confidence, and empathy. Some more reasons to make friends with elderly people include:

  1. The older generation can pass on their life lessons and experiences
    Older people have generally been through a lot. In other words, they have ‘been there and got the tshirt’. They have had children, gotten married, and they may have experienced living through a war. Their lives have been full of positive and negative experiences and not to mention, they have done some very interesting things that the younger generation simply couldn’t imagine. Learning about these experiences can teach younger generations a lot about resilience, hard work, and confidence. Listening to their stories will also help them reminisce about times gone by.
  2. You and and your elderly companion can both learn a lot
    Both sides will get some interesting cultural lessons that they simply wouldn’t learn from peers in their own age group. Everything from music and art to literature and film, you’ll learn a lot about the kind of culture that shaped their perceptions and you can teach them more about modern culture too.
  3. You and the elderly can share similar interests
    Maybe you like playing a musical instrument or you enjoy being creative and making art? People across different ages can share the same interests and enjoy them together. Not only that, but you can also take it a step further and learn a new hobby or skill from the older generation or you can teach them something new.
  4. You are able to gain a different perspective by listening to the older generation
    As we grow older our opinions and perceptions change a lot. In fact, they are changing all the time and this is a positive thing because it allows us to be open minded and receptive to different ways of doing things. We all have perceptions and stereotypes, so why not challenge them by speaking to people with different ways of thinking?
  5. You might help an older person feel more connected to the world
    Everyone can experience loneliness, but it is particularly prominent in elderly people. Keeping in regular contact with elderly friends can help alleviate any feelings of isolation. The use of technology has contributed to this too, it is always on the rise and people who were around before the rise of technology can sometimes feel quite lost. This is an opportunity for the younger generation to teach the older people in their lives to navigate the digital world, or atleast help them when they need to use technology in their daily lives.

Thanks to a £220,000 boost from Defra’s Nature for Climate Fund to kickstart planting, this funding will see a tree planted equivalent to every resident living in Barrow, Copeland and Allerdale. Defra has approved Cumbria’s proposal for a new coastal community woodland – which will provide a series of connected community woodlands down the western coast of Cumbria. Thousands of trees will be planted over five years (up to 150 hectares) and in the next 25 years, a minimum of 5,000 hectares of woodland will be created. These will provide direct and real benefit for people living within these communities through the development of new tree planting and woodland creation. It will offer opportunities for decarbonisation and enhance the county’s natural capital, making Cumbria a more attractive place to live and work. The development of the Cumbria Community Forest bid has been led by Cumbria County Council, The National Trust and Cumbria Woodlands, in close partnership with other local councils including Barrow Borough Council, Copeland Borough Council and Allerdale Borough Council. It has also been supported by a range of other organisations including Art Gene, The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and Britain’s Energy Coast.
Councillor Celia Tibble, Cumbria County Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, said:

“This is incredibly exciting, and I’m delighted that the county council will be taking the lead role in this initiative. Trees and woodlands are vital in our fight against climate change but not only this; they also provide far reaching physical and mental health benefits too. Being able to connect local people with local nature without the need to travel will be fantastic.”

Jez Westgarth, Lakes Future Farming Programme Manager from the National Trust, added:
“We have been delighted to support the development of this exciting initiative, that will provide local opportunities for people to enjoy nature and beauty within easy reach of where they live and work. Through a range of different opportunities that the community forest will provide, we can help support and encourage everyone to be able to enjoy the health and wellbeing benefits of spending time in nature and the great outdoors.” Neville Elstone from Cumbria Woodlands, said:

“The development of Community Forests will provide a rich local focal point to attract visitors and make the area a more attractive location to live and work. Importantly, it’s not just increasing woodland cover. It’s about opportunity, engagement and enjoyment for local communities and visitors alike. The complimentary opportunities for green jobs, nature recovery, carbon storage and environmental resilience are endless.” Lord Goldsmith, Forestry Minister, added:
“This announcement further expands and strengthens England’s network of Community Forests. All across the country we are growing more trees and woodland than ever before, including in and around some of England’s most deprived communities. “Forests are vital for the future of our planet and this exciting new project will contribute towards our commitment to treble tree planting rates by the end of this Parliament.” Sir William Worsley, Forestry Commission Chair, said:

“The incredible value of trees has never been clearer, and it is my personal passion to make sure as many people as possible get to experience their benefits. This initiative will offer local opportunities for people to enjoy nature from their doorstep, providing people of all ages and abilities with fresh air and spaces to breathe.
“I look forward to working with all partners involved and will ensure that, through careful planning and expert management, the trees of Cumbria and elsewhere can continue to thrive as they grow.” There will now be extensive further engagement with a range of communities to help shape and agree the final plan.”

Stevenson Square in the Northern Quarter could be fully pedestrianised under new plans which are to be put to the public. A final consultation is being launched which sets out Manchester City Council’s ambition to make the Square one of the most attractive destinations in the city. Hundreds of people have let the Council know what they wanted from Stevenson Square and the surrounding area through two earlier consultations. Through these exercises the Council learned the main priorities for residents and businesses in the area were:

• The full pedestrianisation of Stevenson Square.
• Having a space where people could sit and relax.
• A safe, traffic-free space that they could move through.
• Elements which reflected the character of the Northern Quarter including space for outdoor dining, public art and planted areas allowing a ‘connection to nature’.

With this in mind the public will be asked for their views on the Council’s proposals before improvement works begin in 2022. A consultation is now live, running to Tuesday 21 December. This can be found by going to www.manchester.gov.uk/consultations

Some of the key changes to the area include:
• The pedestrianisation of Stevenson Square. New seating and bike racks will be installed, new trees planted and sustainable draining systems (SUDS) installed.
• A two-way cycle lane will run through Stevenson Square at the same level as the pavement, with tactile crossings put in place and new signage for cyclist wayfaring.
• Pedestrian and cyclist crossings will be installed at the junctions of Oldham Street/Hilton Street, and Newton Street/Hilton Street. Footpaths will be widened in the area to give more space over to pedestrians.
• Pay and display bays in Hilton Street will be removed.
• Some loading bays in the area will be relocated to allow for these changes to be made, whilst still retaining important space for businesses to trade.
• Additional planting of trees and SUDS where possible will be added to the south-eastern side of Lever Street as part of the City of Trees project. This will be subject to future surveys to find optimum space, and make allowances for underground utilities (gas, water, electric).

Councillor Tracey Rawlins, Manchester City Council’s Executive Member for Environment, said: “I’m incredibly pleased that we’re able to take the next step towards creating a more accessible and thriving Northern Quarter.
“Making more space available for people to walk and cycle as well as introducing more green space were just two of the many priorities highlighted to us by residents and businesses throughout the consultations we’ve run. “The experience of the past year, when more space was given over for pedestrians and cyclists was incredibly positive and signalled a shift in how people want to interact and engage with the city of Manchester. “I look forward to hearing people’s feedback on this final round of consultation and would encourage residents and businesses to take part.

LancasterWall is Lancaster’s first, and only purpose-built bouldering facility, brought to you by the Lakeland Climbing Centre Ltd and provides the perfect environment to start your climbing journey. Adults can come down to the centre and get climbing straight away, or if you’d like a bit more guidance on the beginning of your climbing journey why not book one of our instructed sessions.

But what is bouldering?
Bouldering is a fun and accessible way to start climbing and beginners can enjoy immediate success right from the moment they step on to the wall. Bouldering gives you a chance to tackle our purpose made problems while enjoying the safety provided by a crash mat. Bouldering does not require a lot of equipment and there are only a few key safety points you need to learn to get going.

Bouldering is a the perfect blend of physical and mental exercise and many people find that once they give it a go they are hooked for life. Not only does bouldering provide a unique form of exercise it also provides one of the most friendly and inclusive communities you’ll find.

Bouldering Taster Sessions
Taster sessions are an ideal way to get started on your climbing journey, perfect for families or groups of friends. One of our instructors will guide you through an hour long session in our fabulous center giving you the chance to try everything we have to offer with the security of having a staff member on hand to offer direction where needed. There is no need to have any prior experience to attend these sessions.

Bouldering Induction Plus
Whether you have never climbed before or would like a refresher, our qualified instructors will guide you through a practical introduction to bouldering safety, technique and how to make the most of your climbing sessions. Bouldering Inductions are also suitable for those who are new to climbing who would like to supervise juniors in the bouldering environment, or for Junior climbers (aged 14 years or over) to start the process of becoming unsupervised junior boulderers; however a parent must attend the session if this is the aim.

How do I get started?
If you are interested in visiting the Centre or attending any of the above session please check our website, www.lancasterwall.co.uk, for more details on each session; times; terms and conditions and minimum age/experience requirements.

Revellers enjoying St Helens Town Centre in the evenings will be supported thanks to new night-time economy marshals. The marshals will be on hand in the evenings from Thursday to Saturday nights and all week long for the busy Christmas period and bank holidays providing advice and support to people making the most of the varied night-time offer in St Helens Town Centre.

They will also be working directly with businesses and partners including Merseyside Police and the Street Pastors team on the streets supporting revellers in the busy run up to Christmas. All partners will focus on supporting the night time economy run smoothly and safely so that businesses can provide a good time for customers.

Councillor Jeanie Bell, Cabinet Member for Safer, Stronger Communities, said: “We’re committed to making sure that visitors have a great time when they visit St Helens Town Centre and the team of marshals we have put in place over the coming months will provide a range of support and advice for visitors and liaise with businesses to make sure that they provide welcoming and safe places to visit.

“There are a lot of reasons for people to come to our town centres in the evening with a range of quality restaurants, bars and entertainment that draws thousands every weekend. The marshals will help enhance visitor experiences and make people’s nights out a good one in St Helens Town Centre.” “These roles have been funded through the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority and it means that we can continue to support businesses which have been so heavily impacted by the pandemic in the last 18 months.” The Marshals initiative is the latest from St Helens Borough Council to support St Helens Town Centre. This winter the council has a host of events for all the family to enjoy with a drive-in cinema, ice rink and festive sessions at a winter tipi at the former Chalon Way Car Park site. Meanwhile St Helens Town Centre Christmas Lights Switch on will happen this Thursday from 4:30pm til 7pm. Festive Fun will see street entertainers, carol singers and much more fill the town centre on Saturday 4 December, while on December 11 Santa and his reindeers will be calling into Church Square as they prepare for the big day. Then on Saturday 18 December the cheeky Elf will be running amok in the town centre.

Full details of all the town centre Christmas activities are available at www.sthelens.gov.uk/christmas
The marshals programme is being funded through the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority Town Centres Fund and will initially run as an eight month pilot.

SLADE – Without doubt one of the most exciting bands to come out of Great Britain in the past 50 years. With their unique blend of perfect pop rock’n’roll, outrageous flamboyance and pure fun, and no less than 23 Top-20 singles of which 6 were No-1 smash hits…plus 6 smash albums, Slade have become a firm favourite in the hearts of pop fans all over the world.

SLADE’S chart career has spanned 6 decades and their enduring songs “Far Far Away”, “Cum On Feel The Noize” and “Coz I Luv You” are still featured today in TV commercials for some of the Worlds biggest companies. SLADE first hit the road in 1966, touring throughout Great Britain and Europe and becoming a regular concert attraction. Joining forces with the former Animals bass guitarist and Jimi Hendrix Experience manager, Chas Chandler, Slade achieved their first chart hit in May 1971 with the Bobby Marchan song “Get Down And Get With It” then, released in October of the same year “Coz I Luv You” was the bands first No-1 and a huge hit across Europe. Throughout the seventies, Slade became one of Europe’s biggest bands, touring and recording continually and making regular trips to America, Japan and other parts of the world. Slade’s catalogue of hits are synonymous with the era:- “Take Me Bak ‘Ome”, “Mama We’er All Crazee Now”, “Cum On Feel The Noize”, “Gudbye T’ Jane”, along with the many others provided a soundtrack to the Glam Generation and are still today, heavily featured on any retrospective of the time.

At the beginning of the eighties, Slade were invited to appear at the Reading Rock Festival, a massive annual event which attracted over 100,000 people. They literally stole the show, giving some of the worlds biggest rock bands a serious run for their money whilst kindling new interest from a whole new audience. As a result, the band signed a new record deal and unleashed the anthem “We’ll Bring The House Down”, which reached the Top-10 in the UK in January 1981. Slade were back! Not content to rest on their Glam laurels, Slade began forging a new path through the hugely influential British heavy rock scene. A second successful appearance at Castle Donnington in 1981, before a crowd of over 60,000 people, consolidated the bands position and paved the way for the single “Lock Up Your Daughters”, and the album “Til Deaf Do Us Part”.

While Slade were busy in the UK releasing the massive hit “My Oh My” to huge acclaim, LA metal band Quiet Riot were spreading the word Stateside with their version of “Cum On Feel The Noize”, which proved so successful that they followed it up with “Mama Weer All Crazee Now”. Throughout the start of the eighties Slade toured and recorded due to them once again being a major force in British pop’n’rock. The early nineties saw the bands “Radio Wall Of Sound” hit the UK Top-30 and thereby give Slade a solid 30 year chart run! In 1991, due to the continual demand from around the world, founder Slade members Dave Hill and Don Powell decided to return to touring by playing a few select dates in Europe prior to embarking on what turned out to be a very successful two month tour of Australia.

SLADE have continued to tour the world. They are firm favourites on the lucrative German festival scene and undertake an annual UK “Merry Christmas Everybody” tour in December. They have a huge following of fans and regularly play concert dates in Germany, Poland, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Spain & France. Having just returned from a festival in Gibraltar, next stop is Greenland and Faroe Islands. Now in 2020, Led by founder member Dave Hill on Lead Guitar with John Berry who joined in 2003 on Lead Vocals, Bass, Acoustic Guitar and Violin. John has also played Bass with Mud, The Sweet, Screaming Lord Sutch, The Tremeloes, Bay City Rollers & The Rubettes. Joining John on Lead Vocals and Keys is Russell Keefe, having played in many original bands in his early years, he has also recorded albums for Polygram & United Artists, Russell has toured with The Pretty Things and Les McKeown’s Bay City Rollers, Alex Bines now joins on Drums, Alex has toured with Wilko Johnson, The Rubettes and is also a Drum teacher. Slade today is still one of the most exciting bands on the road, and their stage performance is a dynamic, powerful and exhilarating roller-coaster ride of pure unadulterated rock’n’roll.

Coz I Luv You (1)
Look Wot You Dun (4)
Take Me Bak ‘Ome (1)
Mama Weer All Crazee Now (1)
Gudbuy T’Jane (2)
Cum On Feel The Noize (1)
Skweeze Me Pleeze Me (1)
My Friend Stan (2)
Merry Christmas Everybody (1)
Everyday (3)
Bangin’ Man (3)
Far Far Away (2)
How Does It Feel (15)
All Join Hands (15)
Thanks For The Memory (Wham Bam Thank You Mam) (7)
In For A Penny (11)
Let’s Call It Quits (11)
We’ll Bring The House Down (10)
My Oh My (2)
Run Run Away (7)

SLADE – Re-scheduled December 2021 – UK Tour Dates are now:
Friday 3rd December CARDIFF – Tramshed
Saturday 4th December SOUTHAMPTON – Engine Rooms
Sunday 5th December

READING – Sub 89
Friday 10th December LONDON – Islington Assembly Halls
Saturday 11th December NORWICH – Waterfront
Friday 17th December LEEDS – Warehouse
Saturday 18th December BIRMINGHAM – Asylum
Sunday 19th December MANCHESTER – O2 Ritz
Thursday 23rd December NEWCASTLE – O2 Academy. Tickets for all other dates are available from – https://www.gigantic.com/slade-tickets. For further information on SLADE, check out the following website / social

media links:
Website – https://www.davehillslade.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/OfficialSladeBand/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/officialsladei/
Slade – You Tube Links:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A8KT365wlA – Merry Christmas Everyone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDEVVSzGZdE – Coz I Love You
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3morxUSOvk – My Oh My

Residents are invited to comment on community proposals to designate a neighbourhood area and neighbourhood forum for Chadderton. A residents’ group, The New Chadderton Partnership, has submitted the application.
The proposed neighbourhood area covers the three Chadderton wards – Chadderton North, Chadderton Central and Chadderton South.

If approved, a neighbourhood area and forum designation, will allow The New Chadderton Partnership to begin to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan for the neighbourhood area of Chadderton or Neighbourhood Development Order for a specific part of the neighbourhood area. Neighbourhood plans allow communities to have more influence and control over their local area to ensure they get the right type of development for their neighbourhood. However, they cannot influence or block development set out previously by the Local Plan or any emerging Local Plans.

Cllr Hannah Roberts, Cabinet Member for Housing, said: “This is an opportunity to have your say and I encourage anyone with an interest in the future development of Chadderton to view the proposals and submit feedback.”
The proposals include the applications, a map, a summary of the forum members and the group’s constitution, and can be viewed online at www.oldham.gov.uk/info/200585/local_plan/1825/consultation

Alternatively, paper copies are available to view at Chadderton Library. You can also view them at the Civic Centre’s Rochdale Road Reception by appointment. Call 0161 770 4105 to arrange. The council is inviting comments on the applications from Monday 29 November until Monday 10 January 2022. You can comment online at https://oldham-consult.objective.co.uk/portal/oc/planning/spi/ncp

If you are unable to comment online, you can email your comments to SPI.Consultations@oldham.gov.uk or post them to:
Strategic Planning and Information
Economy, Skills and Neighbourhoods
Room 310, Level 3, Civic Centre, West Street, Oldham. OL1 1UH

A planning application for the city owned multi-million pound cinema and leisure complex, Animate, has been lodged by Preston City Council. Since the scheme was first proposed, plans have progressed to improve the previously consented proposals and respond to the current leisure market trends. The planning application includes an 8 screen cinema; 16 lane bowling alley; competitive social unit (suitable for a range of uses); 5 family restaurants; a street food hub; public realm improvements; 164 space car park; a Changing Places’ facility and associated servicing arrangements.

The Animate scheme aims to bring growth and development to the city centre, create a quality leisure destination to bring families back into Preston and make the city the ‘place to be’. As well as bringing in over £7million of extra economic activity every year while creating 140 full time equivalent jobs.

This planning application has now been submitted to Preston City Council’s Planning Department. A period of consultation will be open to allow the public the opportunity to express their views on the proposed development. The application will be considered and decided by the Planning Committee, which is made up of elected councillors.
Subject to achieving planning permission work is programmed to begin on site in Summer 2022.

Councillor Matthew Brown, Leader of Preston City Council, said: “This planning application is the vital next step in the Animate scheme, which aims to bring key investment and jobs to benefit the people of Preston, as well as stimulating investment in the surrounding area. It is a central part of our ambitions for a more democratic local economy with the asset retained in city ownership once developed.

The scheme aims to enhance the leisure offer within the city centre, build resiliency as we recover from Covid and make Preston a key destination to live, work and visit. Now the application has been submitted, it will be considered by the planning committee who will make their decision over the coming weeks.”

Andrew Dewhurst, director of Maple Grove Developments, commented: “This joint planning application, submitted by Preston City Council and Maple Grove Developments aims to create a leading leisure destination within the city centre.
We’ve worked closely with the City Council and Leach Rhodes Walker Architects in developing the design and scheme content, to ensure the Animate project will meet the goal of creating a thriving, sustainable city centre offer for everyone to enjoy.”