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In May 1989, Mary Lee founded a small company dedicated to providing a personal and person-centred care service in Alcester, enabling its customers to remain in the comfort of their own home while still receiving the support that they needed.

Since then, Helping Hands has opened 97 branches across the UK alongside a dedicated Support Centre in the small Warwickshire town it was founded. With an exceptional level of carer training and a team of dedicated clinical nurses and dementia specialists, Helping Hands is the only homecare provider that has been endorsed as a Centre of Excellence by Skills for Care, as well as being fully licensed by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Whether you need a 30-minute drop-in to help you prepare your meal, or more complex and intensive support that involves overnight or live-in care, the Helping Hands team will provide you with a dedicated support plan that is tailored to you and your individual needs. Regardless of your requirements, the carers at Helping Hands are fully trained and experienced in supporting a range of conditions including cerebral palsy, ADHD and neurological conditions such as MS and motor neurone disease.

Helping Hands is also one of the UK’s leading dementia care specialists, offering extensive knowledge in dementia care and fully-trained carers to support you and your loved ones while enabling you to remain comfortable in the familiarities of your own home.

Since it was founded 30 years ago, Helping Hands remains a family-run business that is now managed by Mary’s sons, Tim and Ben. When asked about the progress of Helping Hands in the industry, Mary said: “I started Helping Hands as I believed there was a gap in care for the community that social services could not provide. I had no idea we would grow to such a large caring family.”

Let’s face it: there is a huge amount of information online about how to shed the pounds and get in shape. Wading into this endless stream of advice can be both confusing and overwhelming. And, when you take into account the new fads that seemingly pop up every day, the situation only becomes more dire. After all, who can keep up with all the raw food plans, prepackaged menus, and liquid cleanses that are constantly promoted in our social feeds?

The main problem with these very restrictive diets is that they only lead to short-term weight loss at best. That’s because most people cannot maintain them consistently and end up giving up after a couple of weeks. Losing 10 pounds a week on a fad diet may seem tempting, but it often results in unhealthy and unsustainable weight loss.

The real secret to healthy and successful weight loss is to adopt a lifestyle that you can maintain for the long run. This involves changing your diet, following a regular workout schedule, and taking the right supplements for your body’s needs. With that in mind, here are 5 other tips to help you achieve your weight and fitness goals:

Eat Better at Breakfast
While all meals are important, breakfast is the most crucial one of all. That’s because it helps you start your days on the right track. A hearty, healthy breakfast will fill you up and give you optimal satisfaction for longer periods of time. Your goal should be to eat between 400 to 500 calories at breakfast. Build a meal that includes lean proteins (nuts or eggs), fibers (fruits or vegetables), and whole grains.

Say Goodbye to Added Sugar
The main reason for most lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease is added sugars – especially from sugary beverages and soft drinks. Processed foods in general contain a lot of added sugars and do not provide any of the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. Instead, jump on Nutribullet bandwagon and replace sugary drinks with healthier, green smoothie options. For most people, the fastest way to lose excess weight is simply by cutting out foods that are high in added sugars from their diet.
Keep in mind that many “organic” or “healthy” foods can also have very high sugar content, so reading labels should be a regular part of your shopping process.

Start Lifting Weights
While changing your diet can help you lose a lot of weight fast, nothing beats keeping your body fit with regular exercise. Your best option is to visit the gym at least three or four times a week, doing some warm up, and lifting some weights. This form of exercise is ideal because it helps you burn off a lot of calories. It also keeps your metabolism from slowing down – a typical side effect of weight loss. You can also speed this process up with a fat burning supplement such as the range available at www.myelite health.co.uk. If lifting weights isn’t your cup of tea, then look for workout plans such as the massively popular Joe Wicks workout to get you moving in the comfort of your own home.

Cook More
Did you know that research shows that cooking more meals at home can promote healthy eating and weight loss? Eating out is fun, but it should not be your daily go-to. Instead, save the restaurants for special occasions and start eating more home-cooked meals. This is a great way of sticking to your healthy diet plan and keeping your weight in check.

Whether it’s lunch with work colleagues or an evening celebrating with friends, most of us tend to eat less healthily when we eat in restaurants, pubs and cafes. Senior Dietitian Victoria Taylor offers her tips for eating out without overdoing it.

Believe it or not, it is possible to eat, drink and be merry without overdoing it. Here are my tips for having a good time while keeping an eye on your waistline and good health.

  1. How often are you eating out?
    A one-off meal out probably won’t make any difference to your health in the grand scheme of things, so enjoy it. However, if it’s one of many, consider carefully how it fits into your overall diet. This could mean having a lighter meal in the evening, like soup or a sandwich, if you had a big meal earlier in the day. Or you could choose the healthiest menu options to make the meal fit into your normal diet, rather than just going for your favourites.
  2. Check what’s on the menu
    Don’t be afraid to ask the restaurant to adapt dishes
    One of the best ways to ensure you make healthy choices when eating out is to check the menu before you arrive, whether online or in person. It means you can choose your meal without others influencing you. Many larger restaurant chains offer nutritional information online.
  3. How many courses?
    The tendency when we eat out is to have more than we would at home. Sticking to just one course once you see what everyone else is having is hard. Decide before you begin if you are going to have a starter or a dessert, and which one you’ll find easier to decline. Having a coffee or cup of tea while others have a pudding is a good way to round off a meal, or you could share a pudding with others.
  4. Adapt your dishes
    Don’t be afraid to ask the restaurant to adapt dishes. It’s not usually a problem to replace chips with a jacket potato, salad or vegetables. You can also ask for no extra cheese, butter or oil, and to put sauces in a dish on the side.
  5. Portion control
    A small portion of saladIt can be easy to eat more than you intended when eating out. If you don’t want to feel too stuffed, consider a starter (perhaps with a side order of vegetables), instead of a main course, or ask for a smaller portion.
  6. Keep it lean. Choose dishes which are based on lean proteins like chicken or turkey (where you can remove the skin) or lean red meats like fillet of pork or beef. Avoid fattier cuts of meat like belly pork or rump steak and remove any visible fat like the fat around the edge of a chop. Watch out for battered and deep fried dishes – even if the contents are lean (like chicken, fish, tofu or vegetables) the coating means they will come with lots of extra fat and calories.
  7. A bit on the side
    Having a coffee or cup of tea while others have a pudding is a good way to round off a meal
    Having a good helping of vegetables with your meal will add vitamins, minerals and fibre and help you towards your five a day, but beware vegetables that come with added butter, cheese sauce or salt. Ask the server for more information and see if there are any healthier alternatives.
  8. Be drink aware
    Keeping alcoholic drinks within the guidelines is important, particularly if you are going to be socialising more than usual. Try not to exceed the recommended 2–3 units a day for women and 3–4 for men. Don’t forget the calories that drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, can add. If you can, choose sugar-free drinks or water, and alternate these with any alcoholic drinks you are having.
  9. Entertain at home
    A dinner partyWe all enjoy eating out sometimes, but have you considered inviting family or friends round for a meal? That way you can control what’s on the menu, and it’s often cheaper, too. Ask your guests to bring a dish if you don’t want to be overwhelmed by cooking, although don’t forget to let them know if you want them to bring a healthier option.
  10. Fancy a nibble?
    Nibbles are always a very tempting option. It’s fine to indulge in a shortbread biscuit, or a chocolate sweet, but sticking to a regular pattern of meals and snacks will help to make sure you aren’t hungry between meals and help maintain your willpower.