. Cabinet approves five year Empty Homes Strategy -
Nottingham News

Cabinet approves five year Empty Homes Strategy

Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet approved a new five year Empty Homes Strategy, which will provide advice, assistance and guidance to property owners to bring their vacant properties back into use.
The strategy was approved following a public consultation last year that allowed residents to submit their feedback on how the authority plan to address empty homes in the Borough more effectively.

Under the strategy, the Council will provide guidance on Leasing Schemes, information about the reduced VAT rates available for improvement works to bring empty homes back into habitable use. It could also provide advice on methods to assist an owner in their ambitions to rent, sell or live in the property.

Unoccupied homes can be detrimental to the lives of those in local communities and can cause problems such as vandalism, anti-social behaviour and nuisance and reduce the value of surrounding properties.
Should homeowners be unwilling to bring their property back to use the Council could utilise its range of enforcement powers to ensure action is taken.

The Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Housing, Planning and Waste Management, Cllr Roger Upton said: “I am extremely pleased that cabinet have approved this comprehensive strategy to help reduce the number of empty homes across the Borough.

“The guidance and advice available for landlords and property owners should work to deter unnecessary numbers of empty homes and encourage homeowners to bring their properties back into use.” Got a query on an empty home? Email customerservices@rushcliffe.gov.uk or call 0115 981 9911.

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