. Become a Litter Hero with the Bassetlaw Spring Clean -
Nottingham News

Become a Litter Hero with the Bassetlaw Spring Clean

Communities and volunteers across the district are signing up and showing their support for the Bassetlaw 2019 Spring Clean. This year’s Bassetlaw Spring Clean will be taking place between 1st March and 31st May 2019 and helps people to come together to clean up their communities and make a difference to their neighbourhoods.

Donating your time can be anything from as little as an hour to a full day or weekend. You simply tell us where your litter pick will take place and the Council will provide you with bags, gloves, litter pickers and high-viz vests. Once you have finished we will collect the bags of litter from a pre-arranged collection point. Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods at Bassetlaw District Council, said: “Bassetlaw Spring Clean is a fantastic opportunity for people to make a difference in their community. We’ve had over 20 groups sign up so far this year and we want to encourage anyone who would like to get involved to get in touch and register.

“Last year’s campaign saw 41 litter-picks take place across the district and generate approximately 500 bags of rubbish and we hope to build on that this year.”

A number of Councillors and residents have already been out in the community and organised clean-ups ahead of the campaign:

• 15 volunteers got together at Dyscarr Wood in Langold and collected 22 bags of rubbish.

• Retford Councillors, Cllr James Anderson and Cllr Matthew Callingham, along with a member of the public, cleared a piece of land on Artillery Terrace/Albert Road Ginnel.

• A piece of private land from Thrumpton Lane up to Retford Railway Station also had a spring clean thanks to a local litter hero.

To be part of this year’s event, please register your Spring Clean with the Council at www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/springclean and we will arrange for the equipment to be sent out to you in time for your litter pick. Alternatively, you can organise an event at any time of the year, but please try to give us six weeks’ notice. As well as the community spring cleans, we also encourage local schools to get involved by registering on our website www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/springclean and click the ‘Register a school for the Bassetlaw spring clean’ button.

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