. Ageing Well In Notts -
Nottingham News, Notts Health & Care

Ageing Well In Notts

A rapid response service is helping over 160 older people return home from hospital when they are medically fit or support them at home during a temporary crisis every month. The Home First Response Service is just one of the ways the County Council is supporting people to be independent, according to a report about ‘ageing well’, which was presented to Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee yesterday.

The ‘ageing well’ report details a range of other short-term services that can be offered to people to help them return to independence after a period of ill health which may include a stay in hospital: Short Term Assessment and Reablement Service (START): a service that helps people achieve their goals and regain the ability to do daily tasks. Support may last for a few days or a few weeks depending on the person’s needs.

Connect: a short-term service that helps people affected by loneliness or bereavement to find information about local services, activities and opportunities.

Staff can work with people around money issues, housing problems, health management and other things depending on their needs. Assistive technology: monitors and sensors in the home can alert to risks such as changes in temperature or a fall.

They can also remind people to take their medication or raise an alert if someone is wandering around at night. Meals at home: everyone who has a hot meal delivery receives a safe and well check. The service has a range of nutritious hot or frozen meals that are provided to over 300 customers a day. Councillor Tony Harper, Chair of Adult Social Care and Public Health Committee, said: “A study shows that just 10 days in bed can reduce hip and leg muscle strength by 14% and aerobic capacity by 12% – the equivalent of 10 years of life.

So, it is vital that we do everything we can to support people to leave hospital as soon as they are medically fit. “We are also having different conversations with people now. We are working with people at an early stage and focusing on their strengths and abilities, rather than rushing in and carrying out an assessment which may result in them becoming reliant on our support. This early intervention and the short-term prevention services we offer are key to helping people retain their independence for as long as possible.” Find out more about services and support at www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/adultsocialcare or by phoning 0300 500 80 80.

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