. Need to Sell your house? -
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Need to Sell your house?

The first thing that strikes you when talking to Paul Toms is his professionalism, passion and a burning desire to help people who think they have nowhere to turn. Paul started EMEA Recruitment 2007. The company has since expanded and now has offices in Switzerland, The Netherlands and the UK. Now employing 35 people in the Lace Market office EMEA Recruitment has become a succesful international recruitment business which allows Paul & Kelly the time to build a new business, webuynghouse.com.

webuynghouse.com looks to help people who need to sell their property through financial problems, relocating to another city, breakdown of a marriage or partnership or simply would like to realise the true market value of their property. Most companies that buy homes look to take advantage of a sellers financial situation by obtain the property at the lowest possible price, and then selling on for a healthy profit.

Paul & Kelly try to find a solution where both parties are really happy with any deal rather than create a situation where the homeowner has to become a reluctant seller with no other alternative than enter into a deal feeling disappointed with the outcome. People may say this sounds too good to be true but webuynghouse.com are open and honest from the very first contact.

In a recent example a gentleman who had just been divorced, went through a tough emotional time, lost his job and was unable to pay the mortgage for three months. He needed the full market value of his house to be able to sell, the house was marketed by an estate agent and while there were plenty of viewings the offers that followed were too low to be accepted.
The house was on the verge of being repossessed when webuynghouse.com stepped in to help.

Together with the client a solution was found. webuynghouse.com paid of his debts, helped him find somewhere else to live, paid the legal fees and bought the house at market rate. If you are need to sell your house you really should give webuynghouse.com a call on 0115 824 7401

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