. £7m To Improve Nottinghamshire Schools -
Nottingham News

£7m To Improve Nottinghamshire Schools

Schools across Nottinghamshire will benefit from a £7m investment which will see maintenance and health and safety improvements carried out.
Nottinghamshire County Council’s Schools Building Improvement Programme, part of the Schools Capital Programme, has approved the £7m funding for the 2019/20 academic year.

The Council has carried out feasibility studies at more than 50 schools were there was an urgent need for improvement works or an assessment of risk. The planned work includes remedial work to biomass boilers, kitchen ventilation, boiler and heating pipework replacement, heating cabinet replacements, drainage and roofing.

Coun Philip Owen, Chairman of the Children and Young People’s Committee, said: ”It is vital that we carry out essential health and safety and maintenance work at our schools to avoid the risk of closure, so I’m delighted that so many schools across the county will benefit from the Schools Building Improvement Programme.

“These works will be carried out at a number of schools where other major works are planned, thereby maximising investment whilst saving on project costs and minimising disruption.”

Listed below are some of the schools in the Gedling, Broxtowe and Rushcliffe areas which will benefit from the investment:
Lambley Primary School
Woodthorpe Infant School
Kinoulton Primary School
Lady Bay School
Lambley Primary School
Bramcote Hills Prmary School
Radcliffe on Trent Junior School
Woodthorpe Infant School
Sutton Bonington Primary School

Coun Owen added: “Many of the heating cabinets in schools are original dating back to the early 1960s, and though it is believed that most have had the asbestos removed some are still being found with asbestos which is unacceptable; the majority still have the original electrics within the cabinets which could be a major fire risk to the property.

““Although what goes on inside school buildings is the most important factor in education, these improvements will go a long way towards improving the learning environment for the children and staff alike.”

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