. Have Your Say on Plan for Barrowford -
Lancashire News

Have Your Say on Plan for Barrowford

In July 2015 Barrowford Parish Council asked Pendle Council to formally designate the parish as a neighbourhood area, so they could prepare a Neighbourhood Plan. Neil Watson, Pendle Council’s Planning, Building Control and Licensing Manager, explained: “Neighbourhood Plans allow local communities to set out a vision for the future of their area.

“Barrowford was the first parish council in Pendle to take up the challenge back in 2015 and it has now submitted what it considers to be the final version of its Plan. “Before we pass this to an independent examiner, local residents, businesses and other interested parties have one last chance to comment on its proposals.” Councillor Paul White, Leader of Pendle Council, said: “The public consultation runs for six weeks and all comments must be received by Pendle Council by 5pm on Friday 22 March 2019.

“Once the plan is made* it is part of the development plan for Pendle and its policies must be considered when making decisions on planning applications. “This is your opportunity to have your say on the content of the plan and ensure it reflects how you’d like to see Barrowford develop and grow.” The Barrowford Neighbourhood Plan does not allocate sites for new development. These will be considered in the Local Plan, which is currently being prepared by Pendle Council.

Copies of the Plan and its supporting documents are available on Pendle Council and Barrowford Parish Council websites, and at the following locations during their normal hours of opening:
• Pendle Council website – www.pendle.gov.uk/neighbourhoodplans
• Barrowford Parish Council website – www.barrowford.net/
• Barrowford Parish Council (Holmefield House)
• Barrowford Library
• The Pavilion Café, Victoria Park, Barrowford
• Number One Market Street, Nelson (Head Planning Office)
• Nelson Library

If you wish to comment on the Plan, representations must be submitted either by email to ldf@pendle.gov.uk or by post to Pendle Council, Strategic Services, Planning, Building Control & Licensing, Town Hall, Market Street, Nelson, Lancashire, BB9 7LG.

Robert Oliver, Chairman of Barrowford Parish Council, said: “Following the public consultation the Neighbourhood Plan, and all the comments received in response to this consultation, will be sent to the independent examiner appointed to conduct the formal examination of the Barrowford Neighbourhood Plan.

“The Examiner will normally recommend that the Plan proceeds to a public referendum, subject to certain amendments. “Anyone registered to vote in the area covered by the neighbourhood plan will then be entitled to vote in a public referendum.” If a simple majority of votes are in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan (over 50% of those voting) it will become a consideration in the determination of planning applications from that day onwards.

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