. Village centre partnership praised for being High Street Heroes -
Nottingham News

Village centre partnership praised for being High Street Heroes

A retail and business group has been praised for being ‘High Street Heroes’ by creating initiatives to drive visitors and footfall to their village including the launch of their own market.

Ruddington Village Centre Partnership (RVCP) only formed last year but is exploring ways to further attract people to visit local businesses in and around their High Street.

They have created a loyalty card, a festive The Twelve Traders of Christmas video, a Ruddy Good Day Out Guide and now their first event, the Ruddington Village Market which launches tomorrow (Saturday February 2) from 9am to 1pm at the White Horse Inn in the village featuring a host of stalls.

Rushcliffe Borough Council has praised the efforts as part of their High Street Heroes campaign that aims to celebrate the efforts local business groups and individuals go to in encouraging businesses to thrive.

Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth and Business Cllr Andy Edyvean said: “This is a fitting first example of High Street Heroes, a group who have really taken up the mantle in Ruddington to show what is achievable in a relatively short space of time when businesses are willing to work together.

“It’s fantastic to see people coming together and enabling their own communities to thrive.

“The village market looks set to be a wonderful event that has captured local imagination and we wish RVCP every success with it.

“Wherever we can we will support our towns’ and villages’ efforts who introduce new ideas and such positive initiatives.”

The group were formed as a mixture of local business owners, residents and members of Ruddington Parish Council who could see the advantage of bringing local business owner’s expertise together to create the projects.

RVCP Chairman Mike Ader said: “This is the second major initiative by the RVCP, which we hope will prove very popular with both residents and also visitors to the village. The aim is to run the market every month and expand it as times goes on.”

Fresh fruit and vegetable boxes will be available at the market together with the range of stalls including Black Cat Café, Doughnotts, The Jam Lady, Ruddington Village Butchers, the Sweetie Boutique, Cocoabake, Turners Bakery, The Peckish Artisan Kitchen and Split Screen Coffee

A craft section will further complement the event offering pictures from Ruddington arts, jewellery, scented candles, hardwood goods, hand-made hats made in the village and hand-made cards and gifts.

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