. Get involved in Bassetlaw Spring Clean -
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Get involved in Bassetlaw Spring Clean

If your neighbourhood is in need of a bit of a spring clean and you have a willing band of volunteers or you are happy to go out on your own, Bassetlaw District Council can help your litter-picking event. As always the Council is supporting Keep Britain Tidy’s ‘Great British Spring Clean’, however this year, we will be running ours from 1 March until 31 May, giving people more opportunity to spruce up their street, village or public space. You can donate as much of your time as you wish, from an hour to a full day or more!

Simply tell us where your litter pick will take place and the Council will provide you with bags, gloves, litter pickers and high-viz vests. Once you have finished we will collect the bags of litter from a pre-arranged collection point.

Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods at Bassetlaw District Council, said: “We have had a fantastic response from residents, groups and schools in the past who have helped to tidy up their communities for the benefit of everyone. We want to encourage anyone looking to organise a Spring Clean, to let us know where in the district you plan to get involved and register via our website”

To be part of this year’s event, please register your Spring Clean with the Council at www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/springclean and we will arrange for the equipment to be sent out to you in time for your litter pick. Alternatively you can organise an event at any time of the year, but please give us six week’s notice.

As well as the community spring cleans, we also encourage local schools to get involved by registering on our website www.bassetlaw.gov.uk/springclean and click the ‘Register a school for the Bassetlaw spring clean’.

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