. Fly-Tipping Hits Four-Year Low In Rushcliffe Thanks To Crackdown -
Nottingham News

Fly-Tipping Hits Four-Year Low In Rushcliffe Thanks To Crackdown

Council action on fly-tipping has increased hugely in Rushcliffe since the beginning of 2021 with nearly 100 fixed penalty notices being issued to those found blighting local spots with domestic or commercial waste prompting the lowest recorded cases in four years. Instances of fly-tipping have so far this year reduced by over 30% coinciding with the Council commencing a partnership with Waste Investigations Support & Enforcement (WISE) to undertake increased enviro crime enforcement.

This tougher stance has resulted in 81 fixed penalty notices at £400 each being issued since January to those found to have deposited waste illegally and a further nine fines for householders or businesses handing over to non-registered carriers who have subsequently dumped items. The message is clear there is a very real chance that any person flouting the rules can be found and fined or prosecuted.

Residents and businesses are reminded to check that any company or individual they employ to dispose of their waste holds the relevant Trade Waste Carriers’ licence to avoid their unwanted goods contributing to fly-tips or they could be fined themselves. This can be completed by them showing the relevant licence in person and checking it with the Environment Agency’s listings of registered businesses.

The Council’s environmental enforcement operation operates across the Borough seven days a week actively investigating potential breaches and its partner Streetwise has also continued its work to quickly clear fly-tips found to be blighting the Borough. Bins and signage from the Council also now instruct motorists to ‘bin it, don’t dump it’ at lay-bys in the area, backing up continued surveillance on trade waste and household items being dumped on roads and verges and monitoring sites to catch those in the act. Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Safety Cllr Rob Inglis said: “The message and statistics are clear we will not tolerate fly-tipping anywhere in Rushcliffe. “We will continue to take strong action against anyone who does not dispose of their waste responsibly or householders and businesses who do not check who they employ to take their waste away. There are local facilities to dispose of waste and unwanted items easily.

“Fly-tippers are warned we are watching you. We are determined to keep investigating each fly-tip for evidence to actively pursue offenders. We will not hesitate to prosecute and will use our powers to seize and destroy any vehicles involved. “Residents, please always check that anyone you use to take items away from your home is a registered waste carrier by requesting to view the appropriate Environment Agency licence or you too could face a fine.
“Please be our extra eyes and ears and report any suspicious fly-tipping activity at www.rushcliffe.gov.uk.”

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