. New recruits to visit diverse communities -
Nottingham News

New recruits to visit diverse communities

Understanding the needs of diverse communities across Nottinghamshire is a priority for the force. The force want to work with local people and hear directly from members of our black and minority ethnic communities, young people and new emerging communities, to see how our interactions impact on policing in their community.

The force’s new recruits are meeting the local community in the Pilgrim Church in the Meadows on 12 February 2019 with the emphasis of the day on the importance of active community engagement, as well as understanding the needs of the communities.

Ch Insp Suk Verma said: “It is a fantastic opportunity for the new recruits to get a true picture of the issues and difficulties facing our local people.
The day will help them understand how they need to work closer with the community and how their views can help us to break down barriers in the future.

“It’s a great opportunity for the new recruits to have a healthy, open and honest dialogue.” If anyone wants to attend or knows someone from their community who would like this opportunity please contact Community Cohesion Coordinator Gurmit Kaur by emailing: gurmit.kaur5525@nottinghamshire.pnn.police.uk

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