. Mohammed Rabani jailed for five years -
Nottingham News

Mohammed Rabani jailed for five years

A Nottingham Imam who indecently assaulted a teenage boy has today been jailed for five years.

Mohammed Aslam Rabani, 61, of St Stephen’s Road, Sneinton was convicted of three counts of indecent assault the offences on 23 May, following the conclusion of an eight-day trial at Nottingham Crown Court.

Rabani, who was the Iman at the Jamia Masjid Sultana mosque, formerly at Thurgaton Street, in Sneinton, indecently assaulted the same boy between June 1990 and June 1993, when the victim was aged between 11 and 17.

Speaking after sentencing, DI Sam Austin said: “We are pleased with today’s sentencing, and hope it shows that no matter when an offence happens, we take it seriously and will investigate thoroughly.

“We know there was an element of disbelief in the local community, people doubting that Rabani – a man in a significant position of trust – could do this. His conviction reflects the courage of the victim to come forward, despite concerns of what other people may think. Speaking out about a well-known community leader, who many looked up to, is not an easy thing to do and it really shows the bravery and determination of the victim and other witnesses over the last three years.

“People may be shocked that someone in such a high profile community role could do this. The evidence has proved this happened, and I would encourage anyone who has concerns about this case, or who believes they have also been a victim of abuse from this man, to come and talk to us.

“Members of the public also need to know that the identity of any victim of a sexual offence is protected by law, and references to a victim on social media will be taken extremely seriously and action taken where appropriate.

“We continue to support the victim, and I hope the sentence today is a positive step in his recovery.”

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