. Commercial Manager To Depart After Ten Years -
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Commercial Manager To Depart After Ten Years

Paul Nyland is to leave his position as commercial manager following 10 years in the role, the club can confirm. Paul has been instrumental in reforming the club’s commercial department in the past decade and has achieved significant success as part of the Stags’ business objectives. A well-known figure within the club and community of Mansfield, he will leave the club following our home match against Barrow on 02 October, with our gratitude and highest regard. Paul said: “The past ten years has been an experience I’ll never forget and to leave the club I have supported since a boy was not a decision I took lightly.

“I will miss the One Call Stadium and in particular its staff, who work so hard for the success of the football club, day-in-day-out.

“They have become like a second family to me, in particular: Diane Ceney, Mark Stevenson, Laura Cooper, Ryan Johnson, Lynn Millward, Jessica Burt, Ollie Jankiewicz, Tobias Rowan, James Gilliatt, Mike and Scott Merriman as well as all the staff and everyone at Football in the Community. A special mention must go to Chris Revill, our hospitality MC, who has helped create a special experience in the 1861 Suite on a home matchday. “My gratitude of support is extended to the chairman, Carolyn, David Sharpe, Paul & Tina Broughton, Steve Hymas and Mark Burton. “It was a great privilege to be offered the position a decade ago and I’m proud to have forged special links with a number of local and national businesses, sponsors and supporters. “Mansfield Town is a special club and as I now look to begin a new chapter in my professional career, I wish everyone associated with the Stags the very best of luck.”

The club places on record its appreciation for Paul’s endeavours and wishes him every success in his future career. The club is now advertising for a new commercial executive, details of which can be found here at https://www.mansfieldtown.net/news/2021/september/vacancy-commercial-executive/

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