. Local Plan reaches Final Consultation Stage -
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Local Plan reaches Final Consultation Stage

Bassetlaw District Council has launched the final stage of consultation on its Local Plan as it works towards gaining the Government’s approval in 2022. This final technical consultation stage seeks to test the ‘soundness’ and the legal aspects of the Bassetlaw Local Plan, and the Council is now asking key stakeholders to consider elements such as; if the Plan is the right overall strategy for the district; if it is consistent with national planning policy; in addition to the Council’s strategic objectives and locations for housing, regeneration and development.

An extensive programme of public consultation over the last five years, including events in January and June 2021, in addition to public consultation periods in 2020, 2019 and 2016, have collected more than 2,000 responses which have influenced and shaped the latest version of the Bassetlaw Plan. This version, along with comments from stakeholders as part of this final technical consultation, will then be collated, reviewed and submitted to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government next year where the Council’s preferred Plan will be considered by an independent Inspector.

Cllr Jo White, Cabinet Member for Regeneration at Bassetlaw District Council, said: “The Council is required by Government to prepare a Local Plan for the Bassetlaw area and there is a timeline for this. Clear direction from Government also says that we must not delay the process, with likely repercussions if we do not meet deadlines. “This is one of the most important strategies that the Council produces; it influences many aspects of how the Bassetlaw area will change and grow in the years ahead – there will be new employment opportunities and new houses, but it will also seek to ensure that Bassetlaw remains the distinctive place that it is. “The process takes a number of stages. So far, the Council has consulted with the public five times. Communities have told us they would like access to better paid jobs, good education and healthcare, quality housing, safe communities, good open spaces, an attractive natural environment and opportunities to enjoy the communities in which they live. “Preparing a local plan always involves difficult decisions – and the most contentious is usually around the scale and distribution of new growth. There is significant government pressure to build more houses and the Council is having to meet with those requirements, whilst ensuring the delivery of associated infrastructure and retaining the important character of our towns and rural settlements which residents, businesses and visitors very much value.

“We are now entering the next consultation period. The Council considers its Local Plan to be legally compliant and ‘sound’ and it is very important that we hear your views on this key stage ahead of its submission to government where it will be independently examined.”
Should you wish to view the Publication Version of the Bassetlaw Local Plan, ahead of submitting comments, please visit our Bassetlaw Local Plan page.

A guide for submitting comments can also be found online.
You can view hard copies of the Bassetlaw Local Plan and any key supporting documents at local libraries and town halls across the district. You can also speak with one of the Council’s Planning Policy Team by calling 01909 533 533. Please say ‘Local Plan’ when prompted. This final consultation stage will begin on Thursday 2 September and will last for seven weeks, closing on Thursday 21 October 2021.

The Bassetlaw Local Plan includes priorities such as:
• A mix of sites for at least 10,049 homes to be built in Bassetlaw by 2037
• The allocation of land dedicated for future employment, which will help to create 9,735 new jobs and training opportunities for local residents
• Supporting infrastructure that will bring road improvements, enhanced bus services, new cycle and walking paths, new open space and improved doctor’s surgeries and new schools
• The creation of a new Garden Village
• Two of the new developments in Worksop and Retford will encourage residents to lead healthy, active lifestyles through the creation of walking and cycle routes and open spaces
• Initiatives that protect town centres and help them adapt to peoples’ changing behaviour and the effects of the Covid:19 pandemic
• Help to manage the effects of climate change and enable the creation of green energy and low carbon technology sectors at the High Marnham Energy Hub

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