Rushcliffe Borough Council is asking local consumers to ‘Shop Local Shop Safe’ in a new campaign dedicated to the safe reopening of high streets and further driving shoppers back to town and village centres, thanks to funding from the European Regional Development Fund. The campaign’s new colourful eye-catching brand also asks them to ‘show your high street some love’ as business owners continue to adapt to COVID-19 restrictions and is looking to further encourage shoppers to visit local markets and outlets safely.
The authority’s Customer Service Centre window on Gordon Road in West Bridgford has now been transformed to carry the message.
Its colourful rainbow design is brightening its place on the high street in the town and reminding residents the Borough is continuing to reopen high streets safely.
Posters and window stickers with the brand are now set to adorn local traders’ windows across the Borough in the coming weeks. Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Transformation and Business Councillor Andy Edyvean said: “Shop Local Shop Safe is all about the safe reopening of our high streets.
“We want to encourage residents to come out and shop again thanks to the measures taken by high street businesses to make shopping on the high street as secure as it can be. “It’s really important to continue to shop safely and people across Rushcliffe have shown great spirit in recent months supporting their local economies as we all aim to combat the challenges COVID has presented.
“Please support your local traders wherever you shop in the Borough. So many have adapted brilliantly whether continuing to trade or reopening in recent months and we want to support them wherever we can.”
The latest safety advice for consumers to shop safe will continue to be signposted to business owners as they adapt to the latest central government guidelines.
Business owner Rachel Hyman who co-owns No 8 Deli and The Fruit Basket adjacent to the Customer Service Centre in West Bridgford is encouraging everyone to show support their support for Rushcliffe high streets. She said: “As a family business we understand the strain COVID-19 has placed on many business owners and how tough the climate is out there to continue trading and for some be the heartbeat of town and village centres.
“Our customers new and old have been wonderful in showing their support and we encourage everyone to Shop Local Shop Safe and support traders if they can.”
European Regional Development Fund
The project is receiving funding from the England European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) is the Managing Authority for European Regional Development Fund. Established by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund helps support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations.
For more information visit the Government website.