. Help us reduce the spread of coronavirus in Pendle -
East Lancs News

Help us reduce the spread of coronavirus in Pendle

People in Pendle are being urged to help reduce the spread of coronavirus, following a slight increase in the number of people testing positive for Covid-19 in this area.

Councillor Mohammed Iqbal, Leader of Pendle Council, said:

“The Director of Public Health for Lancashire has alerted us to a recent increase in Pendle.

“Whilst the overall rate and number of cases remains fairly low, there are signs that the virus is being spread, including between family members who share the same household.

 “We can all protect our family, friends and work colleagues by helping to reduce the spread,” he said.

Staying safe advice is on Pendle Council’s website www.pendle.gov.uk/coronavirus and people are being reminded to:
• Stay at home if you or anyone in your household has any symptoms of Coronavirus 

• Wash your hands regularly using soap and water and carry hand sanitiser when you go out

• Keep 2m distance from people not in your household 

• Avoid handshakes and embracing when meeting others 

• Wear a face covering in enclosed spaces 

• Avoid or limit large extended family gatherings inside.

“If you have symptoms of the virus, please get tested so that you can protect yourself, your family and friends and other people in our community,” he stated.

Free tests for anyone with symptoms are being carried out this week at a mobile testing unit be at the former fairground site on Carr Road, on the border of Nelson and Barrowford.

The unit is open daily from 10.30am – 3.30pm up to and including Sunday 19th July and people who’ve booked an appointment can come on foot or by car.

Testing at the unit is open to people of any age who have symptoms including children aged five and under and babies.

People need to book a test rather than just turn up and appointments go live around 8.30pm the night before on the Government’s coronavirus testing webpage 

They can also be booked in the morning for a test on the same day.

Anyone with symptoms must self-isolate for 7 days from the point their symptoms started.

“If you live with someone with symptoms, you must self-isolate for 14 days from the day their symptoms started, as it can take 14 days for symptoms to appear,” explained Councillor Iqbal.

“And if you have symptoms, it’s very important to stay at home, get yourself tested and follow the advice from the NHS Test and Trace service,” he said.

People can contact NHS 111 on-line for healthcare advice.

Dr Sakthi Karunanithi, director of public health for Lancashire, said: “We need your help now to reduce the number of cases.

“With the slight increase in the Covid-19 infection rate in Pendle, it’s really important to stay alert to the risks. We should all do what we can to limit the spread of infection. 

“Please share this advice with your family, friends and work colleagues. It’s important that we get the message out and work together to keep our communities safe.”

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