. Nottinghamshire County Council approves £630,000 expansion of St Luke’s Primary School -
Nottingham News

Nottinghamshire County Council approves £630,000 expansion of St Luke’s Primary School

Nottinghamshire County Council is investing £630,000 to expand St. Luke’s Church of England Primary School, in Shireoaks, near Worksop.
The expansion will provide an additional 35 places for pupils at the school.
The extra places are to cater for an expected increase in the number of primary school age children due to nearby housing developments.
When the expansion is complete, the school will be able to provide places for 140 pupils.

Housing developers are providing just over £595,000 of the cost of the school expansion, as well as land which has been allocated to St. Luke’s as outdoor space for the children.

The County Council gave approval to proceed to the construction phase on 13 January 2020, acquiring the land needed to begin building a permanent module to complement the existing school buildings already on site. Councillor Philip Owen, Children and Young people’s Committee Chairman said: “Our community is growing, and it is important that we have enough school places to cater for all the children in Nottinghamshire. “I’m pleased to confirm that the planned expansion of St. Luke’s will go ahead, which will help to ensure we can provide places for parents in this area.

This is a good school, with an excellent team of teachers, and I’m confident it will provide a great education for local children. “We want all children in Nottingham shire to attend good schools where they can achieve their potential, and this expansion will support that.”

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