. Police serve closure order on Eastwood property -
Nottingham News

Police serve closure order on Eastwood property

Police have served a closure order on a property in Eastwood in order to protect the local community from unacceptable crime and anti-social behaviour.

Neighbourhood policing officers at Eastwood have worked closely with Broxtowe Borough Council to secure the order to 86 Queens Road South.

The order was issued by Nottingham Magistrates’ Court on Thursday (11 May 2018.)

Lasting initially for three months, the order prohibits anyone from living at, or entering, the premises at any time. If anyone breaches the order they will be committing an offence and be liable to imprisonment and/or a fine.

Sergeant Andy Browning, Neighbourhood Policing Sergeant for Eastwood, said: “I’m pleased that the court has issued the closure order on this address. The police and our partners have not taken decisions lightly but, as this case shows, various agencies were engaged throughout the process regarding the closure, including Social Services, local schools and health care.”

Neighbourhood Policing Inspector for the Broxtowe borough Inspector Simon Riley also backed the closure. He said: “Where appropriate we will use the powers available to us to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour and to improve the quality of life for residents in Broxtowe borough.

“This closure order is the result of several months’ worth of hard work from Sergeant Browning and his team and I would like to personally thank them for their efforts.

“Hopefully, this demonstrates to the people of Broxtowe that we are serious about dealing with crime and anti-social behaviour in the borough and that anyone causing misery and negatively affecting the lives of others can expect the full weight of the law to be applied.”

Councillor Eric Kerry, Chairman of the Housing Committee, said: “The council takes anti-social behaviour very seriously and works closely with partners to bring about effective solutions to anti-social behaviour in our communities.

“The council and the police take action such as closure orders very rarely but, where circumstances dictate, the council and the police are prepared to take the strongest possible sanctions afforded in the legislation to bring about positive resolutions and bring respite to communities being affected.”

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