. Skate Park to receive Urban Mural -
Nottingham News

Skate Park to receive Urban Mural

The skate park on Titchfield Park, Hucknall is to be painted by a local Mural Artist. The popular skate park has suffered from graffiti in recent years. In a bid to make the area look more appealing, local mural artist Peter Barber has been commissioned to cover the walls of the skate park with a modern, geometric design, in a colour scheme that ties in with the rest of the park environment.

Works are due to start in early November and will also include the riding surfaces being cleaned and cleared of graffiti. Cllr Lee Waters, who lives next to the park said “The urban mural will make a huge difference to the look of the skate park, and Titchfield Park as a whole.

The design will be modern, yet sympathetic to the environment and something the young people using the skate park can relate to. “This is just part of the works we have planned for Titchfield Park which will see over half a million pounds of investment, subject to successful award of external funding bids. Plans are in place to relocate the playground into the centre of the park, making is more accessible and visible from the Café and car park.
Funding has also been secured from the Environment Agency and Nottinghamshire County Council to naturalise and de-culvert part of Titchfield Park Brook where it runs through the park.”

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