. Have Your Say On Broxtowe’s Budget -
Nottingham News

Have Your Say On Broxtowe’s Budget

As Councils across the Country prepare to set their budgets for the year ahead, Broxtowe Borough Council is asking local residents to have their say on how they want their money to be spent. The consultation asks residents to rate services they receive from the Council and what services money should be spent on and where it should be saved.

Chair of the Finance and Resources Committee, Councillor Greg Marshall said: “Broxtowe, along with other local authorities across the country no longer gets any funding from the Government to help deliver its services and we don’t like being in that position. Rest assured that we will do all we can to protect our services, care for the vulnerable and prevent cuts. It’s important for us that residents help us decide where to spend the income we receive and how we deliver for our communities.

Please have your say.” The Council has seen a £2.1 million reduction in the funding it receives from Government and no longer receives any grants from Government. There is an anticipated £1.1 million funding gap for 2020/21.

To complete the consultation, visit www.broxtowe.gov.uk/budgetconsultation by Friday 29th November.
You can also send your comments to finance@broxtowe.gov.uk and include “BUDGET COMMENTS” in the subject line or write to: Deputy Chief Executive, Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham, NG9 1AB

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